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Everything posted by Zehoan

  1. Wow, thanks for all the answers, guys, i just wanted to say after looking at all the gameplays, i think it's going to be a whole new playstyle and look, 343 definitley went in the right direction with Halo 4, they made it look more futuristic than Halo 3, (well, because it is after Halo 3) so, GO 343! WOOT
  2. What i want to know is, what do you think? do you think it will be like Halo 3? or be like Halo:Reach? i personally think the gameplay will be like Halo 3, this is mainly because you know, it's a sequel, blah, blah, blah post your thoughts below, do you think it might even be a WHOLE NEW Halo experience? i am glad in the direction 343 is going and hope they keep on making Halo for at least another 10 years, just like their daddy, Bungie
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