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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. Seems pretty legit to me...good work bud
  2. Once I saw this vid I have actually been trying it out on Halo 3 with Jay and AT...it is harder than it looks...depends on the map for sure...usually it is all luck of the draw if it flies off and sticks the person lol, I wonder how many takes they did to get this video together lol
  3. My connection couldnt maintain for 30 minutes so I didnt get a code ...still got a red warrior though
  4. There is no fall damage in Halo 4, howeer if you jump out of the banshee at a certain height you will just die, no damage, just death lol
  5. I agree...adding the loadouts will and does make the gameplay more fast paced. I like it when I played at SDCC, and it has changed a lot sincen then so I am so stoked for next Tuesday!! 7 more days
  6. Yeah all my friends are on xbox as well...but good thing is they all only play halo really too lol
  7. yeah I heard stting up the chat settings was a hassle and changes depending on the game you are playing...but idk if that ture or not
  8. Yeah i used to play the heck outta Killzone 2/3...I know exactly what youre talking about. I use the Xbox for Halo and PS3 for everything else lol
  9. I have a feeling that is the case, especially seing as Frankie said they would they talk more about it closer to launch. Tomorrow is the final pre-halo 4 Waypoint Bulletin, so hopefully it will be in there
  10. Yeah CQB was a good one...I am kinda sad that they got rid of so many classic helmets from previous Halo installments.
  11. Yeah...I figure it wont be in War Games, but like I said, one can hope lol...maybe they will modify it for War Games lol
  12. Woot woot got mine from Kayla yesterday lol...everyone on these forums should rock the Red Warrior Armor!! lol
  13. Please use the search function. As the above has stated there are already many other threads pertaining to this subject. Please lock this thread
  14. Spartan Ops takes plac 6 months after the Halo 4 campaign, we do not know if all of the missions will take place on Requiem, but Frankie did say you should not play all of Spartan Ops before playing the Halo 4 campaign, the ending of Halo 4 apparently connects right into the overall story of Spartan Ops
  15. Meh its all good, it was a while ago so it is nice for people to see this again lol
  16. Nice find....yeah i wouldnt be surprised if the LE is available online after Halo 4 launches...the other past editions of halo games are still available...lost of Reach Legendaries lol
  17. Seems like a take of Invasion (grabbing an object and returning it to your pelican/phantom) should be pretty cool, I like how there are still gamestypes being announced
  18. That is why it is going to be a mix of primarily host and some server help
  19. Already posted, please use the search function next time
  20. I agree...I just thought it was a funny vid lol
  21. here is to hoping that BS Angel left the hornet off of the forge list and it will be in War Games, if not, the new broadsword should be in, that would be cool to counter the banshee
  22. Already a thread on this, please use the search function next time: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/15871-full-armor-sets/
  23. ALL Pre-Order bonuses will available post Halo 4 launch in a DLC pack on the xbox marketplace. This was confirmed by BS Angel and Frank O'Connor. Do not waste your money pre-orderding from multiple retailers, easier and less expensive to wait for the dlc
  24. Lol...Oceanic totally looks like BigDaddy armor...except thinner and more sleek...I see some Bioshock machinimas coming
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