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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. I played it, and I think it is awesome...and I only played the ComicCon build lol
  2. If I remember correctly, Frank O'Connor stated that it will not be returning, but it will be remembered in a way of sorts. So I am guessing that some aspects of the music will sound very similar
  3. Alphas should be yellow and the infected ones should be green...orange doesnt really make much sense
  4. Well from playing it at ComicCon, it was AWESOME!! And that was a while ago now and they fixed some stuff from CC to PAX. The game went gold this morning so they have had time to fix stuff from PAX to now too. Halo 4 will be amazing, waaaayyyy better than Reach and truly what Halo should be again. I bought the LE and am not/will not regret it.
  5. it reminds me of the "From Ashes" DLC where you get the Prothean Ally lol
  6. It was awesome at ComicCon so I am so stoked for my Halo 4 fix again lol
  7. Oh haha gotcha...yeah who knows...still vague as all can be lol
  8. They could have still chnaged it before the game went gold this morning. There are confirmed 2 discs so who knows
  9. His only hint was that it was from Halo 3 and it was a bigger map...so Valhalla fits technically lol but like everything else, 343i/Frankie have been extremely vague...
  10. Use of sprint and abilities on Valhalla (ragnarok) will be awesome...thruster packing and sprinting off the middle hill lol
  11. Make sense in keeping with the Norse theme for that map lol
  12. I liked the LR at ComicCon, but I actually liked the Carbine more, the Carbine's RoF was awesome and still wicked accurate. The LR's dual modes is pretty awesome though
  13. Meh...CoD took aspects from previous games and so on...it happens, it only improves on the FPS industry and game, so nothing wrong with that. Haters are gonna hate...not much we can do about that lol
  14. Looks cool...looks like a Cerberus research facilit from ME 3 lol
  15. haha...I am finishing my papers in October so I have all of November off lol
  16. I think the covie weapons do well at looking alien. Promethean weapons look way futuristic and alien, and human weapons look classic with a futuristic twist. The BR in Halo 4 looks like a new version of the BR which it is, it really looks like a newer more futuristic version of its predecessor.
  17. Brute shot was fun, but no more brutes. The only reason the Grav Hammer is returning is really because of Grifball.
  18. No this is a good thread none the less...its a good reder pic of the mammoth. I just meant that in past videos and images we have seen the Mammoth, but not like the render you provided. Like I said nice find
  19. Sweet...even if its not in War Games, I will look forward to this in Campaign and hopefully Spartan Ops lol
  20. Well personally pre-order bonuses are just that bonuses, nothing wroing with geting a bonus for pre-ordering a game you know youre gonna buy anyways.
  21. Hmm...not sure how I feel about that. Valhalla was essentially just a remake of Blood Gulch, I kind of wish they remade Sandtrap...but Valhalla was fun for sure
  22. Woohoo!! I wont be leaving my house for a week!!
  23. Killcams are not just in Dominion, they were also on Inifinty Slayer when I was at ComicCon. I think most of the slayer based/slayer and objective baed gametypes will feature killcams. They didnt last as long as CoD killcams do so that made it nice. I enjoyed getting the final kill cam a couple of times lol
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