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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. I believe there are a few that are free from the start, but the rest are unlocked as you level through the 1-50 levels. Also there are certain visor colors unlocked for each Specialization.
  2. @Blue_Cheese: Well seeing as there will be no community made forge maps in Halo 4 until after all 3 DLC Map packs are released, I am guessing that the Infection games will be played on official 343i maps at first.
  3. i think thats kinda where the OP was looking at it going, Action Sack would really be the only playlist that SAW Slayer could fit into. But I think the OP is more looking at it from a Custom Games perspective...
  4. I think I remember reading on Halo 4 Nation that they will have a higher jump and unlimited sprint as well as the look and claw and enhanced vision.
  5. @PettyOfficer117: No that is incorrect, Kiki Wolfkill and BS Angel confirmed that split screen will be just another Master Chief in Co-Op campaign. Frank O'Connor stated that there will be no Elites in Multiplayer, which includes Custom games and Forge.
  6. Not really...people will experiment with different weapons to see which ones fit their style better, which ones they think look cooler/sound cooler etc. If the option is available to them, not everyone will have the AR as their secondary, I for instance would probably use the Promethean Suppressor. Having a set primary is fine, but allowing an option of 3 choices for a secondary that are essentially all the same gun (with slight differences) will make it more accessible to all players
  7. Slightly faster ROF yes, but they are all assault weapons, they each fill the same role as the other in their faction. The Storm rifle is high ROF, less damage. The AR is a bit lower ROF, higher damage. And the Suppressor is right in between the two. Like I said, they are all assault weapons with high ROF and decent damage. it would just make more sense to allow one fo the three to be chosen as the secondary to the SAW to back it up with the higher ROF's
  8. Haha exactly Ryu!! Thats been my point the whole time, that the storm rifle, suppressor and assault rifle are all close range weapons with a high rate of fire. They are all essentially the same gun (with slight differences) that represent each faction. So it would make sense to choose which of the 3 you would like as your secondary to go witht he SAW.
  9. I like that too...which means that the Elites are not at first on the same side as the Prometheans...so they must join forces later in the game.
  10. @Charles Stoot: Spartan Ops is not free every week. It will be free for the first season (first 4 weeks). But after that you have to buy season passes on Xbox Marketplace. This was confirmed a while ago by both Frank O'Connor and BS Angel on Halo Waypoint. I will most likely only do the first season to get the achievements. After that, I probably wont buy anymore. If they add achievements for every season I will be mad...that would be Micro$oft really stretching for extra money from the fans.
  11. I like the comparison to the Library in CE...ugh I hated the flood lol. I am glad that they have removed the Flood from War Games (mm) but still have a tribute to them with the new infection gametype. The musical ques is a good call...hearing dreary music when being last man standing will totally get to me lol. Looks awesome
  12. @OrangeSpartan: Go to Halo4Nation.com and check out their gameplay from the past couple days, they have some good footage f it in the beginning of some Dominion games. Looks pretty cool, like a faster charge PvP version of the Spartan laser.
  13. Yeah...I mean heck there has been bloom and weapon spread in every Halo game. Its just that Reach was the first to really show it to the player. That did not go well with many but not all Halo players. The removal of that for precision weapons was a good idea. The added combination spread and or bloom for weapons is a good call by 343i, it will make sense on weapons like the AR, and will please fans of precision weapons where there is no or less visible bloom/spread.
  14. The image is not a fake...I too remember it being seen when the Defiant Map Pack was being released. The Helmet does look Fallout-esque, but if they will show a new helmet, they should introduce it to the armory in my opinion.
  15. No I fully agree with you, I think a tribute to Bungie would be well deserved. I just dont think that 343i/M$ will do it...
  16. Woot 501st Legion here I come lol. And no the armors are done, the game goes gold at the end of the month, in a HaloBulletin posted by BS Angel she states that all armors from PAX were the final set and final build of all armor. Some look lame, some look pretty cool, I just wont be using the ones that are lame lol
  17. Umm...thats just a different stance...the Elites still have less abdominal armor than they used too, thus their bellies are open. And yes their belly button is still visible.
  18. The suppressor and assault rifle are close range too...all of your examples as to why the suppressor and assault rifle shouldnt be used, are exactly what they are made for. Now you may be thinking of different guns, but the AR and Suppressor are close range assault weapons...not precision weapons.
  19. Thats my point though...you said add the storm rifle, well the suppressor and assault rifle are the equivalents to the storm rifle...so what would be worong with using one of them?
  20. Glad they fixed the hammer sound...the little clang it made at PAX was soooo lame. It sounde better now. The beam rifle sounds unique and the needler sounds intense...so glad the needler isnt a joke like it was in Halo Reach. Needler and carbine here I come
  21. What about a SAW and an AR or Prom Suppressor? Storm rifle is cool and all but the ability to use any of the three assault weaons would be nice lol. Other than that, I like the idea...Saw slayer would be intense lol
  22. Hiding spots dont really exist in Halo...even in Reach...when people sniped, you could always figure out where it was coming from. Even if the killcam shows where you are hiding, you can use that as bait, wait for the enemy to go for your old hiding spot and kill them. And its not hard to figure out tactics in Halo, "oh he used a rocket launcher or shotgun to kill me"...Killcams just provide an understanding of how you died...so people stop thinking the other player is cheating or modding etc. killcams are not a bad thing, use them to your advantage (when killed, and when killing as bait). Not that hard to do
  23. Ha!! The CoD fuse has been burning since loadouts were introduced...this will just add to the flame. I personally like it
  24. Infection has been confirmed in Halo 4, and now this time the infected play as the Flood with a claw!! http://halo4nation.com/news/halo-4-infection-confirmed/ I believe this was posted in the 343i forms section but not in Halo 4. A mod can lock this if need be, just thought it should be in the Halo 4 section...
  25. I am glad there are killcams now...I can finally see if someone legit killed me or used a cheat/mod like an aimbot. Besides its not like CoD killcams where you can see around for 10 seconds, you can only see for a brief period after your death and it focuses on the person that killed you. It makes sense...no more wondering if someone cheated or just got lucky
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