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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. Interesting idea, but I too hope it is not as disruptive and flow wrecking as gravemind and cortana in Halo 3.
  2. Tallgeese

    Shield World

    I agree Syko...at this point we all know it is not Onyx, it is Requiem and yes it is most likely a shield world. Redundant indeed lol
  3. I know it is not likely, but I would love to have an option to customize the button layout for our liking.
  4. I agree with Biggles and Tsicks, Bungie wanted to try something new and 343i is taking all of the great aspects form the past Halo games and combining them into an epic campaign, and awesome MM.
  5. Actually Halo 3 did technically have 3, but the Mythic was a part of the ODST set, kind of like the Anniversary pack was a part of the Anniversary set. But yeah awesome deal for Halo 4 nonetheless
  6. After reading these posts for a couple days...everyones opinions are insightful and provoking, but they are just that, opinions. Nothing is worng with that, and that is all a part of what makes competition. I am just excited to get Halo 4 and kick some butt...hopefully lol
  7. Agreed the rail gun looks way sweet...I hope it is like Half Life or Killzone 3 bolt gun and you can stick people to the walls lol
  8. Agreed long range camping with the SD and stalker/cloak will be epic
  9. I actually really liked the Falcon, I also wish they would have the Longsword back in cinematics and stuff. The scorpion and Wraith are staples, not surprising both are returning. Hopefully the revanant will return as well.
  10. Tallgeese

    The SAW

    It appears to be balanced so far, the spread is big, and the clip goes by fast. Nerfing it wont be the answer, I agree with the above, nerfing weapons is not the answer, increase the other weapons to match. Dying faster may happen, but it also makes it more realistic even for a Super Soldier
  11. I loved the Ridge Racer bonus in Reach...it was epic when I first found it lol
  12. LE owners get access to 3 future map packs, not all future map packs. Who knows if there will be more than 3. Halo 3 only had 2 I believe (excluding ODST) and Reach only had 2 (excluding Anniversary). So either way getting 3 map packs is a good deal.
  13. Exactly...if you lose, which is going to happen, just figure out what you did wrong, and try and change that or get friends to help out. I generally like to win as well...but if I have that wild hair to just mess around I will, but with my friends, not at the expense of other players I do not know.
  14. Do you mean Limited Edition vs Standard? If so than LE comes with a bunch of extra stuff that the basic version does not come with. Also LE owners have access to ALL of the Specializations from day 1, while those with the standard only have access to Pioneer and Wetworks.
  15. I agree Tsicks, I was so happy when AD sent this link to me. I am so glad we only have to go through the first 50 levels once
  16. You are partially correct and incorrect. You unlock weapon skins, armor skins, and certain armor as you level through the first 1-50 levels. You than unlock Specialization specific weapon skins, armor, and armor skins as you go through the 1-10 levels for each Specialization. At the end of each Specialization you also unlock the MOD specific to the Specialization. The skins, armor, bonuses you get for pre-ordering are available when you input the codes.
  17. Ahh I see...well I tihink for the information you referred to it will be fiarly balanced
  18. here is the link that Absolute Dog provided. 1-50 once and than 1-10 for each Spec after that. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/363297/halo-4-class-specialisations-detailed/
  19. Tallgeese


    Individualism in a game that has customization limitations is tough. But I think 343i is on the right track with diverse armor, skins etc.
  20. @Ryu: It has already been stated that you can only use 1 MOD at a time. I think 343i is handeling this similar to how Bungie had a level cap on Reach for a while until the community got to a certain point and than lifted it. I think once the majority of the community gets through the first 1-50 levels, 343i will release another Spec, and once the community finishes a Spec, they will release several more etc.
  21. That is where you and I differ than Biggles lol, I do not like the idea of restartng from the beginning. I am glad that once I finish the first 1-50 levels, I do not have to go through them again. It has already been stated that leveling through Spec's will take longer than 1-10 of the 1-50 levels. Having 130 levels in all is plenty in my opinion.
  22. I plan on waiting until the game comes out to see if Halo 4 is the end. Even than, 343i will nerf items and increase the power/damage etc of others as the community interacts more and more in MM. Give 343i a chance, I think they will surprise all of us
  23. Not equipped for war indeed...but I am sure they could hold out for quite some time. I almost see it as BSG vs Cylons...hit and run tactics. Like I have been saying in many of my other posts, 343i is mirroring CE, Massive ship crashes, remaining soldiers and resources conduct hit and run tactics against the Covie and new enemy.
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