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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. Exactly, it will not be in every game variant. And you will still have the option to not respan instantly. Like I said above, both have advantages and disadvantages
  2. @Victory Element: If the grenade does not go off after they die that would not make sense. They already threw the grenade so it should still go off. If you choose resupply you can pick up grenades. If not you can still pick up greandes from their spawns on the map as previously stated above. Also it just prompts players to think more wisely about using their grenades now is all.
  3. I actually like the fact that we no longer can pick up grenades. now there wont be anymore greande spamming, especially right out of the gate. Now people will have to conserve their grenades if they dont pick resupply, instead of just throwing them like crazy. You will still start with 2 grenades which is fine, if you want to be able to spam more, choose resupply, if not than use them wisely.
  4. T-Bagging is indeed immature and pointless. I especially when youre winning and the other team is so mad and butt hurt they tbag
  5. Haha the ghost of Tartarus would be weird but I think they could pull it off lol
  6. Haha the noob defeated...I like that
  7. Even in infiinity slayer you dont have to instant respawn. You have the option to wait the 3 seconds, move the camera around your body while waiting to try and see where the enemy is going and than respawn on your team. If you instant respawn, you dont get to move the camera over your body and you have to spawn on your spawnpoint, not on your team. So there are advantages and disadvantages to both.
  8. towards the middle when they bring up the lead of War Games, they talk about how there will indeed be a 1-50 esque style system for ranked games that only you can see. Here is another video that Sn4zzle pointed out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_448812&feature=iv&src_vid=87k_q7fHEic&v=ZD0kfk65OvA
  9. @ VictoryElement: Are the personal weapon drops only in Infinity Slayer? Also, in a SDCC MLG vid, they showed that even though they were playing IF and had personal weapon drops (sticky detonator, overshield, scattershot) a Rocket Launcher still dropped in randomly towards the end of the match...
  10. Also to avoid grenade spamming is the fact that the only way to get more grenades is if you have the resupply perk...I think thats how it works
  11. @SweamyBagel: From what I can tell is that there will be a clan system set up for Waypoint and it will somehow be integrated into stats etc. for Halo 4. But they havent really released much about it yet. Who knows. As for a gametype, Assassin Fest: The only way to kill someone is to assassinate them lol
  12. Agreed Taratarus was the only necessary Brute for me to tolerate throughout the haleo game. Even though he died in H2.
  13. Having the PP be inconsistent is not the way to go. As mentioned it will cause problems on vehicle maps and just in reliance of what it its supposed to do in general. Now if they increase the burn, and how fast it drains energy while charging, than it wont be able to emit 4-5 shots, instead maybe 2-3. Which would mean less people getting their shiled s fully taken out and than 1 shot.
  14. if what TsicksSense is true, than that would make sense. The BR is made for mid range shots, if you try pushing it farther than it will be a 5 shot BR, if you use it closer up it will be a 4 shot BR. The weapon spread of the BR is the only issue that makes it 4-5 shot
  15. Tallgeese


    Well if it does not flow well with the game I am sure 343i can take out the flashbang aspect of thruster pack at a later date through a TU.
  16. it is not in every gametype, however it will be in certain germatypes on certain playlists. 33i said to plan on it being in most slayer games. Not necessarily Swat, Snipers etc. but slayer games. And I dont have a problem with IR, it will allow for a more fast paced game, however it will seemingly cut down on how important KDR is to some people.
  17. Dont get me worng, I agree that there needs to be more randomness to the battles in Halo. but yeah i think Halo 4 will help with that. welcome to the forums btw
  18. Personally after the whole Clan deal with Halo 2, clans became too serious and a joke in my opinion. If you want to play with people, play with friends, just join as groups like people learned to do in Halo 3 and Reach. Bringing clans back wouldnt bother me at all, I just wouldnt participate.
  19. I am sure there will be randomness to where the fighting takes place, especially due to instant respawns and weapon drops appearing on the HUD for ALL to see and go after.
  20. Yep RedStarRocket91 said it all...if its an option I suppose thats fine, but if not...NO...fp for driving and assassinations is a bad idea.
  21. I agree with TsickSense, from what we have seen it is only in Spartan Ops so maybe it wont be in MM. But I still could have sworn the fire grenade was on certain Halo 3 MM maps
  22. Yeah I saw it emit the 'burn' as well in a vid from SDCC. I also noticed that the PP does indeed appear to drain energy faster while charging.
  23. I agree, there will always be that one 'sweet' spot on every map that everyone is drawn to. I suppose it makes it so you know you can try and get some kills. Hopefully the random weapon drops and instant spawn will shake things up a bit
  24. Yeh from the vid i saw at RTX, the sentry turret was good for objective games and getting assists, but could be destroyed pretty easily
  25. I suppose some of those elements are going to be in Halo4. Weapon drops are going to be at random locations and at random times. Respawning instantly will change where you will want to track the enemy. But physically changing the map would be a huge undertaking on 343i's part. Idk if they could write that sort of tech in.
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