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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. As long as it doesnt have the inconsistencies of Reach than I will be happy. I think that Halo 4 will be awesome if 343i listens to the community. Plus as stated above, the entire franchise is at stake, if it doesnt live up to what fans want at launch and after, then the franchise is done.
  2. Thanks Sn4zzle, it is nice when some people in the community forums stick up for eachother.
  3. I am pretty sure that it is back in. It is a popular playlist in Reach so I can imagine that it will return.
  4. Either make it so that you can choose first person or thrird, or make it able to toggle while in game.
  5. if you order from Mighty Ape it will not work on your Xbox. Yes I understand that the issue was supposed to be resolved, however there are still issues when purchasing a game not from your region. I would also suggest just buying the pre-order bonuses on ebay. Also Franky implied that they may release a pack that includes all pre-order bonuses later on.
  6. Ryu Hayabusa is mostly correct, there will be a Spartan Point Rank that will function similar to that of the Halo Reach rank. However unlike in Halo 3, there will not be individual play list ranks, but a Rank for RANKED playlists that only you the player can see.
  7. So yeah Sentry Turret is indeed an AA. Here is a link to a site that gives a list and brief description of what is in store for Halo 4: http://www.littleenglishhaloblog.com/2012/06/halo-4-armour-abilities-tactical.html
  8. Playlists will have pre-set loadouts, so perhaps no PP. Also from what it seems in the videos, the PP has a faster energy drain while charging. I hope they remove the PP as a starting pistol. Too much easy accessibility for noobs to 'noob combo'
  9. As far as I knew the Jet-Pack was taken out and integrated along with evade into the Thruster Pack. Which would make sense in regards to the statement of a slight boost, seeing as thruster pack is a boost in a direction. Also, I thought the Sentry turret was a perk, not an AA.
  10. I have to agree with the OP. The 'noob combo' PP/BR or DMR is not so much of an issue in Reach, but with such easy access to both, it may become an issue in Halo 4. The only thing I can think of is increasing how fast the PP drains energy while charging, so a player cant camp and charge for long periods. But this could still pose a problem as the return of the noob comboc
  11. Well Franky said in the Q&A at comic con that each sku (LE, Console Bundle, and Controller) will have thier own DLC. The LE comes with armor skin, weapon skin, map packs, specializations and some other things. The Controller comes with an avatar t shirt. So I am guessing that the Console will come with its own stuff, maybe some of the same as the LE. But nothing has been officially announced as of yet
  12. So in the Q&A at SDCC, Franky said that there were other armor abilits yet to be revealed. What do some of you think the remaining AA's are? I am pretty sure Active Camo is in Halo 4 so that could be at least one of them.
  13. Lol agreed...if I also had a choice I would go with the gauss rifle too lol
  14. The worst gametypes for this are swat and snipers
  15. Very cool...I heard through the rumor mill that the prometheans have a sword type weapon too. But who knows
  16. Sounds like a great idea. I was a freshman when the first halo came out so it has been a big part of my teenage and early adult years. I have a masters and a job and still will make time to get my Halo in. I too recommend reading some of the novels.
  17. Well until the game comes out I am pretty sure it will come with LE dlc. But if it turns out to be otherwise, good call on getting both.
  18. It will prbably be glossed over due to the fact that an explanantion fo the DMR does not really affect the core of the campaign story. Who knows...maybe they will explain it, but most likely it will be mentioned in a later novel.
  19. I agree with Timbo. They need to at least go back to the Halo 3 style bullet spread
  20. From the info provided and videos viewed, it appears that the BR is good for medium/short range, DMR is good for long range. The carbine appears good at medium and affective at short due to its rof
  21. i agree with Jerry, they should have a community map playlist if they do indeed add community maps to Halo 4 mp. They should not be a part of other playlists, but have their own
  22. yeah i remember you mentioning that the ROF for both was slowed which makes sense. But Swat started with the BR so it should return to the Classic Swat BR. And I really hope they bring back lockout
  23. if they do allow community made maps after the 3 map packs mentioned in the LE of Halo4, they need to be thoroughly play tested. Uncaged, Atom, and Cliffhanger are indeed garbage
  24. Tallgeese


    I do play Reach, but I only play anniversary due to it not bieng riddled with inconsistencies and as many cheaters. I am just glad that 343i has finally gotten rid of the quit ban and implemented the drop in system for when people leave games, this will improve the unbalanced team issues and quitting issues.
  25. Yeah but I dont think stockpile will be in Halo 4...it wasnt all that popular in Reach at this point so who knows...but an extermination of any kind is pretty awesome
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