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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. The only issue I see is that when you crouch to stay hidden and people throw random grenades it shows through the hitmarker where you are sitting. whereas before it would just explode
  2. I assume that since they will not be in multiplayer that they will not be in any form of multiplayer. However that may not be the case. i do not believe that they have really specifically said.
  3. Oh yeah i did not see the fuel rod the first time...nice eye man. I am pretty stoked for sure
  4. The Locus helmet skin looks awesome but unfortunately it is only for NZ. I personally like the WEB CIO skin from amazon
  5. I think it is hard to compare. Halo 3 was nothing like Halo 2, and Reach was nothing like Halo 3, so needless to say Halo 4 will be nothing like the rest. I am sure however, that Halo 4 will be an awesome mp experience. As long as 343i truly listens to the community and fans, Halo 4 will be awesome.
  6. I agree Sn4zzle, if I play Reach I play the Anniversary playlists. Reach is aweful and ridden with inconsistencies. Halo 3 is still amazing, if Halo 2 was still around I would be playing that.
  7. LOL I am not a noob...I have played Halo since the original CE. i know how to stick someone...and yes I aim for the biggest target, the abdomin/chest and yet still it does not stick. It used to be that even if you and the enemy were jumping around you could stick them. Now it just flies between their legs or goes over their shoulders. I also have a saved film of 2 stickied going through the enemies body, and than head. So no it is not always me, it is usually the mechanics of the game. Also Donut this is not something stupid to complain about, it is a mechanic of the game that needs to be addressed, not that it would take 343i that long to look at and fix. Plus isnt saying someones opinion stupid against the forum rules? Hmm?
  8. Tallgeese


    For some reason I thought that the announcer for Reach was someone different and that 343i hired back the guy from H2/H3? But i could be mistaken
  9. In Halo 2 sticky grenades stuck to everything no matter what seemingly, In halo 3 they toned it down to stick within certain proximity of the enemy player, however in Halo reach, the sticky seems to literally pass through the enemy and not stick to them, fly past their head, arm, leg etc. and not stick. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED for Halo 4. It is called a sticky grenade for a reason...
  10. Halo is Halo and CoD is CoD, both have brought fantastic elements to the FPS franchise and as time moves on both will inevitably borrow or develop similar traits, just as BF3 was directly compared to MW3. However, Halo will always remain Halo.
  11. Correct, just as OceanicOctopus stated, there will not be a weather editor/tool in Halo 4 forge, however, as he also stated, there will be more than one "Forge World" type map to build on, each with different weather elements. I myslef hope that there is a snow map to make Sidewinder on.
  12. Another note of interest, in Halo Reach on any given Slayer gametype (and often in the majority of other gametypes) there are only 5 armor abilities available. Armor Lock, JetPack, Sprint, Active camo, and Hologram. Hologram is making a return, Active Camo is making a return, thruster is a combination of jet pack and evade, hardlight shield, and promethean vision, which equal 5 armor abilities. Again, given what has been announced, JetPack will not make a return on its own, it is now a part of thruster.
  13. Agreed with the above, if the EMP is not a starting grenade and limited on maps then it will be ok. However if it is a starting grenade then vehicles are pointless. Also does anyone know how well the Plasma Pistol tracks now? I heard from a friend who was at Comic Con that it does not track as well anymore (comparative to Halo 3).
  14. I agree With Ryu Hayabusa, a win percentage is good on general, but Xp based on kills, assists, deaths, distractions, etc. is more accurate. Also I do believe that Inifinity slayer was made to appease those who wish to win slayer games. Inifity slayer is more team based slayer where as classic slayer (which will be returning) is more lone wolf, get kills slayer. 343i seems to have listened to the community, so I suspect that Halo 4 will attempt to meet everyone in the middle to some extent. However, no matter what, a game will NEVER make everyone happy.
  15. @ halo4dude: We can not say they are doing better than Bungie just yet. The game has not been officially released yet. I am sure 343i will make an awesome game. But it can not be compared to Bungie, Bungie created Halo, as well as Halo 2 (considered the best MP to date)
  16. These are good questions, and ones that I am sure will be answered in the Game and in the 3rd and final Forerunner book coming out in january. My only guess is that the Didact towards the end of the Flood war was kind of cast aside by the rest of the council for his views on the shield worlds versus the halo rings. My guess is because he rather supported the shield worlds, he and his "followers" or "supporters" went to the shield world with him and that is why the ones we see, follow him, while the rest were essentially wiped out.
  17. @Mr. Gabe: yes promethean vision will show your location but that is luck of the draw if the enemy is using it. Whereas hitmarkers are a constant. Also if you know the enemy is in a room you often crouch to avoid detection. And I am pretty sure the radar has always been in the bottom left...
  18. I agree...Halo has always been a mix of camping and rushing. It these grenade hitmarkers are too accurate, then the enemy will know where you are coming from or sitting. A general hitmarker would not be bad, for example sitting around a corner, enemy throws genade, hitmarker indicates they are there but no direct pin point of location. Who knows, I am sure 343i will change some things, they still have 3 months until release
  19. First off, 1-50 has not been removed. There is a a 1-50 esque ranking system for Ranked playlists. However, only you the player can see your own rank, but obviously for example, when you are a 50 and search a Ranked playlist, it will pair you up with 40+ players so you can have an idea of their skill. The other ranking system is more of a social system similar to Reach, this system is where players will have titles similar to Reach that other players can see. Now the kicker is that ALL experience (Spartan Points) from any playlist, and all activity from Wargames and Spartan ops goes to your Social esgue rank title. @Fzdw: At the Comic Con panel, Frank and the lead developer of WarGames confirmed that there is a 1-50 "esque" ranking system for Ranked playlists. You are correct that they have not said what it is exactly called as we the community have indeed seen the A-7 listed, so it could be along those lines. But they did confirm a 1-50 esque system for ranked playlists. And as previously stated, only you can see your rank. I also agree that the Spartan Point system is going to be similar to Reach ranking cR system.
  20. I actually like the CIO web armor from amazon at the moment. But the Arctic BR skin is pretty cool too
  21. Along with the fact that there are two types of slayer as mentioned above, if a team is getting more double kills than the other team then they will in essence have more kills accumulated anyways. Infinity slayer in essence promotes team based cooperation for the slayer gametypes. Where as classic slayer is more of a solo kill more then the other guy game type.
  22. So Bungie had pre-loaded backgrounds and profile pictures which made it nice and easy. Are there pre-loaded pictures and backgrounds for our profiles here, and if not then that needs to be added.
  23. I am not too upset. i like playing as Elites, but not as Elites vs Spartans. Elites are so big and slow when fighting Spartans, trying to beat down a spartan is a pain in the a** because they are so small. Also Elite slayer just turns into a giant sticky fest.
  24. i may be mistaken, but as far as what has been released or talked about at E3, RTX, and ComicCon, thruster pack is replacing jet pack and evade. And I believe RoosterTeethFan is correct, there will not be drop shield or Regeneration. I will look for the video that mentioned the issues surrounding jet pack/thruster.
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