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Everything posted by Tallgeese

  1. I was referring to "I coulda been youre daddy" level from Halo CE lol
  2. I could care less about rank...I play to have fun with my friends...at this point ranks are just little symbols, I know how good or bad I am...I dont need a little number or symbol telling me that lol
  3. Nice, but as Ryu posted above, there will be a Pre-Order bonus dlc pack released post launch on the xbox marketplace containing ALL Pre-Order Bonuses
  4. Hmm I think this ia very cool idea...and not having fall damage would make it nice too...a little OP, but also nice. At least the DMR can not blow up the banshee in 5 shots now lol
  5. Wow that is quite impressive!! Bravo
  6. Frank O'Connor has already said that there will at least be 3 seasons in total. Each comprised of 10 weeks. Season 1 will be free, Season 2 and on will have to be purchased on the xbox marketplace. This was also confirmed by Frankie and David Ellis
  7. I fully agree...Episodes 1, 2 and 3 were terrible and should not be considered canon. I have a feeling though that since the already announced Episode 7 in 2015 and 8 and 9 after that with more to come every few years, Star Wars will become the new Pirates of the Caribbean series, beaten to death...
  8. Happy B-Day AD!!! WootWoot!! Who let the dog out!?
  9. You can go here to get a Red Warrior Avatar Armor: https://www.legendaryprizes.com/avatar.aspx
  10. Did you know grunts could have been your daddy? lolz
  11. Hmm interesting...well I will have to keep an eye out. The only thing I dont like is the fact that it is wired...I only use my mic to talk to my friends and I have the MW3 Microsoft wireless headset and I love it. It is simple and wireless lol. If these were wireless than I would get it in a heartbeat
  12. Since this vid, I have been using plasma's solely...I only use frags to get rid of them lol. Once you get the hang of this technique on certain maps it really isnt that bad. Works well on symmetrical maps with solid surfaces for sure
  13. I played it 2 weeks ago, my buddy is the manager of a local gamestop and got them in 2 weeks or so ago.
  14. Lol and than BAM!!! Respawn lol
  15. Wow that is AWESOME!! Did you freehand it?
  16. It has been confirmed that each mission will be arpound 10-15 minutes in length. 5 missions a week=1 episode. 15 minutes per episode x 5=150 minutes a week, and there are 10 weeks worth of Spartan Ops for the first season which equals 1,500 mintues or 25 hours so should be pretty fun
  17. OMG I love nade jumping!! The skull on Halo CE The Cartographer with the grenade jump was freaking annoying lol
  18. I could see that being the case, especially becuase of Halsye/s ability to understand and merge with Forerunner tech so easily
  19. I agree...hopefully in tomorrow's Bulletin it will all be revealed. I would relaly like a combination of the two. And yeah I figured some of those "low" levels were on their second or so account, heck thats what I am doing to higher levels right now lol
  20. I dont really like Forge maps...they all look so plain and the same lol. If they do bring back some remakes, they should take the existing ones and just update them. The 'remakes" from Reach made of forge were terrible in my opinion...also when forge maps end up in the playlists after the final Halo 4 map pack dlc, I think they should have their own playlists and not muddle down the other playlists
  21. Not only is it biased, GoW and Uncharted are two completely different types of games. Both have their positives and negatives. There is a reason why both have a tremendous following
  22. I like Xbox 720, though it is not too original, neither is 360 lol...at least 720 has something in common with its predicessor. Xbox 8 sounds way too M$, and Xbox next is too meh I suppose
  23. Meh I played it with my buddy on Legendary co-op and it took about 9 hours or so. It was only hard in the beginning to get used to the damage modifiers and the movements of the Promethean enemies. After you get used to those two aspects, the game really isnt that hard. Really really fun though, I am looking forward to getting my hands on ym own copy
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