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Everything posted by Sierra1117

  1. I know the feeling. I started to get into the expanded backstory about a year ago, but if bungie was treating the story as carefully as 343 is, there wouldn't be a need for explanations like this. theyre 15 years old
  2. Kelly and Fred are not dad and are some of the only living Spartan II's after the Human and Covenant war. They're important to the series because they were members of Blue Team, Master Chiefs squad. And we don't even know of Jun is alive.
  3. I read an idea somewhere(don't remember, maybe here) where in Halo 6(or 9, depending in how the revlaimer trilogy goes)Chief is on a shield world, and the flood has contaminated the galaxy again. the Didact is there and they fight,and chief finally kills the Didact, but is mortallÿ wounded. He realies that there is I way to save the galaxy now, so he does what he never wanted to do, he activates one of the rings. He looks as the galaxy dies in front of him as he is safe in the shield world. This would be one of the most memorable and greatest endings in video game history because John is giving the ultimate sacrifice, not his life, but everything he has fought to defend his whole life. While 343 probably won't do this because it would force any future games to prequels, I would definitely be fine with this ending, and it would make Chief the definitive hero, someone who takes action even though they have something to lose. Whoever came up with this is a genius
  4. This is not a spoiler. It's just the voice actor of Chief saying what he wànts to happen in Halo 6. Thinking its anything else is just wrong.
  5. The most iconic armor in the series is the Mk. VI armor for sure, not the Mk. IV. They're going to be wearing the Mk. VI armor as we saw in the most recent RvB short
  6. I had to explain stuff to her because she's not really good with interpreting things. When we were watching The Dark Knight Rises, right after Bane broke Batman's back, she looked at me and said "did they fight?" So I was kinda forced to explain stuff to her lol
  7. Sam is dead while FUD is taking place, and that is the armor used in the Deliver Hope trailer
  8. I thought you put the second disk in, and when you play it, it starts installing.
  9. On Xbox, click x on the icon to play the game. There will be an option that asks to install the game to your hard drive. Then you install
  10. I just the like the idea of sneaking up behind a hunter and shoving a grenade in its back or meleeing the worms in its back. Of course this would mean they would have to gain better area awareness, but I'm not a big fan of boarding the,. Remember, they're still a covenant class, so they should be treated like one
  11. Pribably gonna give them the limited edition Xbox for people who don't have one. And I'll get there in my banshee
  12. maybe M$ is gonna block Tower Bridge at 8 PM and give everyone on the bridge a free copy? I don't what's going on, but something big is happening man!
  13. And isn't FOTUS gained by reaching rank 130? The coordinates led to tower bridge in London, don't know why though
  14. I honestly don't think they look anything like them, but that's just me
  15. well. You're kind of too late. Microsoft took down ALL leaked content
  16. the VGA's isn't THE award shows, and E3 isn't THE expo, it's just that they're the most popular that makes them important. And I would say it is also based on location, like if you were living in Japan, you'd be more excited about the Tokyo Game Show than E3.
  17. If its the Mk. VI armor, that might be the only reason for me to pay attention to this.
  18. If the reviews are any indication, Halo has a LONG way to go before it dies.
  19. I love funny Halo commentaries, and the fact that you guys are in college should make it even better. I'm definitely gonna be following you guys
  20. ........well that was unnessecary. Your attitude is really inconvenient right now, and you realize you could have googled the list of game types in Halo 4. Your pretty much digging yourself into a deeper hole. You misinterpreted something, which is cool, but then you blamed us, which isn't cool. Not a good first impression towards these forums
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