So I've been using these for about 2 months now, and I can honestly say my performance in Halo has improved. I couldn't even use the sniper rifle at first, but now I'm actually decent with it. My sensitivity level's set at 7 because the fps freek would make the analog stick move too slow, so a higher sensitivity level is recommended, It doesn't increase my accuracy, but it does make it faster for me to set my sights on a target. In gametypes like swat or team snipers, these things are life savers. but even in a gametype like team slayer, theyre helpfule because it makes aiming for the head easier, which makes getting a headshot easier. I played battelfield 3 with them and i found that it didnt help that much, but i think that after getting used to playing Halo with this, the recoil the guns in BF3 give off made me a little inaccurate. I tried them withCall of duty(Black Ops and MW3) and i really didnt notice a difference, but maybe that's because I didn't spend enough time on those games. While I'm still trying to improve my performance in Battlefield 3 with these, they really made me better at Halo, which is what I'm gonna be playing for a LONG time. All in all, it was definitely worth the $10 and I would recommend it to any other first person shooter fan.