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Everything posted by Sierra1117

  1. Your thinking about the precursors, they were the only known species to achieve tier 0
  2. OP, if your that concerned about halo 4, why don't you just buy Black Ops 2? Cause that definitely isn't a basic stupid shooter game, right?You have to realize, in today's world where FPS's are so generic, Halo is the one shining light of hope for the industry where a great story can be put together with great gameplay. And the canonical reason for elites ring enemies again is perfectly reasonable. They're part of a group of species of the covenant who broke off for the covenant after the war because they still believed in the great journey. They used to be covenant, but now they're part if the storm faction. And I might get alot of flak for this, but I love all f the armors in Halo 4, it's set in the future,p so it should like it's set in the future, right? We haven't seen enough of campaign to judge all of it, but what we've seen is phenomenal, and it won't be like reach. It'll be like Halo CE if anything. And it will lay like Halo 3 and 2 not reach. Sim a original Halo fan myself, and I am absolutely sure I'll love Halo 4
  3. Just because they used to be part of something, doesnt mean they will always be prt of that group. They used to be part of the covenant, but they left them, so now they are the storm. Chief and Cortana only call them covenant because they don't know about the storm yet. They aren't covenant any more
  4. I like the story of Glasslands, I just hate how Travis's wrote. She made everyone hate Halsey, but if she didn't kidnap and clone the Spartans, we would've lost the Human-Covennat war a LONG tme ago
  5. Well if prone was the ancient evil, chief would have no choice. He'd have to save the universe from an engineer
  6. The a Toast why'd you change your sig? I thought it was hilarious!
  7. Uhhhh, can there be a red ending? I want chief to live.
  8. He's joking, chief could simply slap prone to drift and watch him explode
  9. First off, the parallel with the Muslims was the closest one I cold find. People now a days, see a Muslim and automatically assume theyre a terrorist, and your saying that because the storm "walks like a duck, and talks like a duck" that they're covenant. And don't tell me that I'm racist or there's no connection here, because I'm Muslim myself and I've had people do the same exact thing to me, so I know from personal experience that there is a huge connection here. And from what we've heard, the storm did separate themselves from the covenant, which it says right here, http://www.examiner.com/article/halo-4-s-storm-covenant-faction-officially-revealed . So that renders everything you just said about them believing themselves to be a task force to be false. They broke away from the covenant treaty and still believe in the great journey. That's it, they have the same beliefs and happen to be the same species. That's all we know right now
  10. Well he liked the San'Shyuum, and if you think about, the Forerunners fired the rings so the mantle could survive and so humanity could progress. They basically killed his favorite species so humanity could live, thats more of a reason to hate humans that the Didact has now.
  11. Dude really? Youre worrying about how chief says "Drive!" instead of "punch it!"? Punch It sounds outdated, and how could've chief lost his badassness? He's only 15 years old when the FUD is taking place! He's probably the same age as Lasky. He's not a recruit, but you dont just step into Mjolinir armor and become a badass. He only got augmentations a year ago. If the spartan II's were determined as recruits and veterans based on how much action they've seen, chief would be a recruit. Daniel Cudmore, the actor portraying chief, isn't voicing him which you could tell if you've ever heard him talk. Someone else is, but I like his voice, it sounds like he will grow up to sound like what he does in the original trilogy. And I personally love the enlist trailer and how Lasky says " I don't think I can kill another human. Ever." reminds me that he won't have to because he'll be fighting covenant and eventually prometheans.
  12. The covenant was a faction, and the storm is a different faction, simple as that. Your saying, because they are the same races that they act the same. Its species from the covenant who believe in the same thing as the covenant, but their tactics and whatnot could be extremely different, you cant just say because the same races are in it that they're the covenant. That's like all Muslims are terrorists, which isn't true.
  13. Sorry, I meant composer, but the Confirmer is a forerunner character, and could be the ancient evil
  14. The first battlefield I played was 1943 on Xbox. But when I heard about battlefield 3, I got bad company 2, and loved the huge open battles in comparison to black ops which is what I used to play. I got both mw3 and bf3,and played bf3 so much more. If it was only a vehicle game I'd be ok with that, but the fact that it has really fun and addicting gunplay is what keeps me coming back for more. Whether I play rush, or team deathmatch, or conquest. I know I'm gonna have an epic and fun time
  15. I got it on thursday and I love it, it's just so simple, and I love how there's no ranks so you can't run around calling a level 1 a noob. Instead, you get bragging rights through preformence, something that's missing in a lot of games today.
  16. You have to realize that they aren't he covenant heir the storm, they might not be a new faction, but they're still Seperate from the covenant
  17. Yeah, I think it's cool how they pretty much confirmed the Confirmer will be in the game, even though we don't know what it's role will be, but I'd love Cortana to be a monitor
  18. Technically it's not the covenant, it's the storm, theres a difference, the prophets guided the covenant , this is a new faction
  19. Menendez is too old to be a spartan IV, but he could train them
  20. And he set the coordinates of the portal chief was going through to requiem.
  21. Yeah, doesn't mean they are in, but hunters are confirmed and it sounds like they'll be harder to kill this time
  22. I think the abiding truth got similar factions of other covenant species to come together, and they became the storm faction
  23. But the Didact was never shown in blue in any halo 4 promotional material. It was always red, so as of right now, all we can say is that there is one Didact in the game. And guessing Bornstellars in halo 4 just because he's in silentium is as much of an uneducated guess as saying he won't be in it. And about the luck. I'm confused, you just said and now you're saying that predestiny and luck are two different things, I didnt bring it up. You did. You sound like the forerunners saw Chief as a future prophet, i was saying that gaeas could influence his ability to survive. And it wouldn't make any sense if the Didact could simply control chief because John had his memories
  24. Think that someone is in it, piloting it(most likely the Didact) but we'll see
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