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Everything posted by Sierra1117

  1. You just saved me tons of time. Going through it on legendary now and made sure I had all the commendations. Thanks!
  2. Didnt think about that, but the Didact isn't dead(watch the epilogue, and he can't be composed). Maybe the Didact will just be a huge threat gaining power in Halo 5, while Jul is terrorizing everyone. Like Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
  3. Episode 3 of Spartan Ops seems like that moment where things start coming together. We're gonna see more of Jul'Mdama, we find out the artifact can transport people, and Dr.Halsey is in it. These are all major points for the story
  4. As far as we know, he's still alive trying to bring peace between the Sanghelli, but something could've happened to him since the Thursday War
  5. Sounds like you got it rough lol. But yeah, talking bout the game
  6. I'm playing forerunner on legendary right now, and near the beginning of the mission, Chief asks Cortana after she goes a little crazy 'Are you gonna be alright?" I noted this because he said it so awkwardly, and that shows that 343 is tying to show his humanity. If anyone else finds any similar moments please share them.
  7. His duty IS to protect humanity, not anything else.
  8. Thats the thing, 343 is taking Cortana away from him to show off his humanity and not just portray him as a machine.
  9. Theres already a remake for custom games. It's called settler
  10. Del Rio was a fool because he cared more about his ship than helping Chief save mankind.
  11. I know what video you're talking about, but they said "You'll never see his face" as in you won't see his face in Halo 4. They will probably reveal his face in Alo 5 or 6, hopefully.
  12. And to add on to that, your post seems a little immature too. This isn't 343i's official website, and one person can't bring realism to this whole community. I just hope things went back to the way they were before the game came out.
  13. I don't think they told us about what happened to him, but I'm sure that'll be answered in Silentium
  14. It was New Phoenix, which is in Arizona
  15. So she gave him forerunner DNA to make him advance as a human.
  16. Sierra1117


    There was a similar thread in The Halo Universe section. Check there.
  17. Chiefs 45 during Halo 4, and he's not the only Spartan-II during Halo 4. Linda, Kelly, and Fred are all still alive.
  18. No, she accelarated the process of the Didacts Gaeas in John awakening because you hear the Didact speak with John in his mind, and that is what a Gaea does.
  19. If Chief doesn't die a hero, he will be seen as outdated and unneeded. So it does apply
  20. Ok so remember when you met the Didact in Cryptum and he was executed? Well that was the Ur-Didact, or Original Didact. Bornstellar was just carrying the Ur-Didacts Conscious. So it turns out the Ur-Didact wasn't executed, but instead was abandoned in a flood-infested system, and although we don't know how, it looks like he got back to the forerunner empire. And yes, you were right aout that a couple months ago(virtual high-five!). And that monitor wasn't Spark, but just Chakas. Spark is one of multiple fragments of the Chakas monitor because he tells the science team(remember this is in 2558) "I see one of me has already caused you trouble." All the Ur-Didact info is from Cryptum, Primordium, and the official description for Silentium.
  21. I feel like I know Lasky as much as i know chief(which is very well, i read the books). And I met him a month ago. Forward Unto Dawn helped me understand the character during the campaign, and him being the Captain of the Infinity definitely has me excited.
  22. It applies to what we're talking about. I agree with you, and the loss of Cortana definitely helps with that, but for any human, super-soldier or not, going through everything Chief shakes you to your core. And I don't think he can live in a galaxy that doesn't need saving, because that's all he knows, "protecting earth and her colonies"
  23. The music doesn't have anything to do with his appearance, it was just made that way so it would be more dramatic. And the Librarian didn't genetically modify chief, she activated dormant genes in him, Forerunner DNA. And Chief didn't die because the forerunner DNA in him protected him from the composer, so he is still very much human.
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