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Everything posted by kashurn

  1. Sorry im not familiar with this forum so i just posted a link to the one im always on, the link is the post...
  2. http://forums.majorleaguegaming.com/topic/291586-mlg-elementality-v1/page__pid__7986444#entry7986444
  3. I am looking for someone to cap some clips for me, i can return the favor in any way. thank you <3
  4. kashurn


    From the album: Don't be afraid

  5. kashurn

    Don't be afraid

  6. roxio is trash trust, the quality is 480, im getting the hd pvr
  7. So im getting a capture card soon and ill be able to upload clips for you guys meow. Sub to my channel if you wanna be ready for when they come up. Or don't doesn't matter to me It's you're choice. Well yea these are the only clips i have from along time ago, there not really clips, just random funny stuff, but you can get an idea of what kind of legit clips i have to come PS: I added a little "song" so it wouldn't be so boring <3
  8. R.I.P Nate Dogg -Show some love to the classics, post the best classics
  9. The person above me is actually not a person so id rather insult him and the person below me well....i dont know him/her/it yet so u can go make me a sandwich
  10. Yea allstar is a good xbox friend of mine, check out his channel Allstar m1 very underrated. What kind of music would u use in a tage?
  11. Dashboard or sign out in the lobby before the game starts if you dont want that gametype
  12. What are some topics people usually post in this? I don't wanna post the same nerdy stuff everyone else does. Ima bring some flavor to u guys Check out these Underrated beasts, they deserve more credit
  13. The one and only, yours truly Kashurn ;) Hail me

    1. kashurn
    2. kashurn


      You're making me blush

  14. title pretty much sais it all. im looking for ffa players, im on almost everyday and always down to play ffa's. add/message me on xboxlive. gt: kashurn please no rage quitting

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