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Everything posted by AssaultSniper1989

  1. I want the rogue helmet to comeback. I also want the Commando, the Base Security, and maybe the Haunted just stuffed in as another little "you finally got this" kinda helmet.
  2. Hey everyone IDK if this has already been posted but this topic is meant to discuss what everyone thinks they want for their Personal Ordance. To me it looks like you can choose a power weapon like the scatter shot, extra grenades or possibly the Sticky detonator( does this count as a secondary weapon for this slot?), and finally an additional support package or power up such as mobility which I've heard is either infinite or longer sprint. Post what you think you might use and feel free to inform me of what you think the three choices you get represent category wise. ( primary, secondary, etc.)
  3. Wow shotgun as a primary is a big push by 343 to make this game more close quarters. If you think about it didn't they say somewhere they wanted to make the game more fast paced and close up. That is exactly what a shotgun is meant for.
  4. Oh I forgot about Buck. He's also a good voice????
  5. Which is why they only do it for Turrets and vehicles you are a bigger target and many people come at you so you need to be able to check your surroundings. I can't even imagine halo with a third person shooter mode your character would obscure the reticle on your HUD
  6. IMO a survey is a lengthy approach to this issue however, it is still plausible.
  7. Agreed there's nothing better then when Sgt Johnson yells: " BOOM! Headshot!" or says, " Son, I could be your daddy but, nah it don't matter..." In addition what if they had place fitting roles for the spartan ops players say Players 1 and 3 have to attack from the ground where 2 and 4 might need to give cover fire with sniper rifles or a Falcon gunner.
  8. I agree female Spartans should be included only if your avatar is a female but, what happens if a player signs in as a guest. Should it just give them the option new profiles get when you first boot up Reach? This would solve the problem of immaturity because nobody is going to want to be a guest just so they can play as a female spartan when they are really a male.
  9. Primary is probably going to be AR for charging in or BR for the accuracy. I plan on using the Firepower package so I can have two primary weapons and then can have a shotgun or Light Rifle for very close or long range fights. As for the grenade Frag for normal and maybe Promethean for BTB. AA is either Promethean vision or Auto Sentry
  10. An interesting ability would be to include an ability to swim or submerge oneself in ponds. I say this for two reasons at the new Ice map I think it's called Longhouse or something?, anyways there looks to be water near what I presume as the center of the map it would be interesting to conceal yourself underwater then hijack a nearby warthog or something. 2nd one of the Preorder skins is called oceanic and the armor depicted looks like some nautical diver out of a submarine. Like this comment if you think it would be interesting for 343 to incorporate water for something other then kill zones
  11. Yes 343 has offered a large amount of additional content just for preordering which means there is propably a surplus of choices if you don't like the preorder armors and skins
  12. Assault Rifle just because it sounds powerful when you shoot it and it's automatic for me that's a nice advantage when rushing someone otherwise definitely BR can't wait for November
  13. Yes and No. I would appreciate more ammunition displayed on your Spartan's belt like a clip of BR ammo or something. In addition the preorder camo for the hazop spartan is very intriguing. You could be a camouflaged spartan with some sort of gilly but again your spartan should be big and buff and on the front lines not dressed up like a bush while you sit around the campfire with your favorite bag of marshmallows. As for colors on other sections I could see black or white stripes that might draw attention to certain spots on the armor without revealing location from afar.
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