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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello, I was looking for people interested in playing Halo 4 Hunger Games. If you are interested please friend request "HaloHungerGames" http://youtu.be/8FazU2QVnPQ Also if you have an idea for a Hunger Games map, please message me. Thank you.
  2. Hey guys, My friend and I will be hosting a Halo 4 2v2 tournament, it will start on December 22. Ultimately, we will coordinate matches and invite you to custom games at the appropriate time. It will be a single elimination tournament, however each team will be guaranteed 2 matches, for the first will be used to gauge the skill of each team which will determine their placement in the bracket. Ultimately each team will be competing to win MS points! You may create your own team of two or you will be matched with someone else. Please sign up at the following site. http://cagould95.wix.com/halohq#!events/cx4w If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Thank you.
  3. Hey guys, I frequently play The Halo Games but I am looking for some new people to play with. Essentially you start off with no weapon and are forced to run to a cornucopia which holds a plethora of weapons. The map takes place on the island of Paradiso in forge world. Also play with caution because you only get one life. If you are still unsure if you want to play please check out my video of game play footage. If you want to play please message me on xbox live, we have games throughout the week. I will always message you ahead of time when there is a set time. My GT is ASH KETCHUM 95. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT7E7Hmv9M0&feature=plcp
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