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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. I hope they bring back the Spirit of Fire
  2. hope Linda and some other Spartan 2's get shown in Halo 4. Would be a good reunion considering we have never seen them O.o
  3. i want a blood gulch remake i LOVE that map, i had ALL my best moments on it
  4. I can still vividly remember the entire game. Man i loved shooting flood in the face with a shotgun........i still do
  5. I cant wait to go up against the prometheans, so i can use my battle experience from all the other halo's and compare it to how i fight against these new sets of enemies
  6. So they are basically a splinter faction of Elites,grunts jackals and so on? So does that mean there will be good covenant in Halo 4, or in later installments?
  7. I just want an epic campaign and an awesome Multiplayer. Plus i would love to see an upgraded forge
  8. TWAM and Absolute Dog.......Comment Here To Prove you exist :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      So you're telling me i sat on a random strangers lap...and he WASN'T santa? DAHELL MAN! WHY!

    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      So you're telling me i sat on a random strangers lap...and he WASN'T santa? DAHELL MAN! WHY!

    4. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr


      AD is always commenting on my status....

  9. TWAM and Absolute Dog.......Comment Here To Prove you exist :D

  10. TWAM and Absolute Dog.......Comment Here :D

  11. On behalf of the community i would like to say.............We love you MoMmy
  12. I respect your opinion but know that this is never meant to be a popularity contest. There are no contestants, winners or losers. No votes,voters or recounts.There are no awards or trophies. This is purely recognising GOOD PEOPLE
  13. Campaign of course.......I can't wait to step back into the bots of the greatest spartan in history But i also can't wait for forge and multiplayer, just so i can pwn my friends
  14. hehe i hate one direction, but this song is funny
  15. This in combination with the extended cut would really make this game even better then it already was
  16. I hope it is a Remaster not a Remake
  17. Have fun I know i love camping
  18. Actually Spartan 4;s are just veteran UNSC soldiers, they volunteer for Spartan program so they could be any height at all.
  19. The DMR and Shotgun is a great combo. I use it in firefight all the time cause it gives you good medium- long range with the DMR, plus close range with the shotgun
  20. "The Cycle repeated, as explosions broke in the sky, all that i needed, was the one thing i couldnt find, and you were there at the turn waiting to let me know, WERE BUILDING IT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP TO BREAK IT BACK DOOOWN, WERE BUILDING IT UUUUUUUP TO BURN IT DOWN, YOU CANT WAIT TO BURN THIS TOO THE GROUND"

    1. skummgummigubbe


      linking park i love it :)

    2. EliteSniper


      i loooooooooooove linkin park!!!

  21. Yeah a friend of mine was on his mobile and said thing were abit different.
  22. Some are alrite, but i hate it when it spoils the book entirely.i like it the way Reach does it (yes i know its a game)
  23. waitt is the FUD movie on disc or is it a download code?
  24. I am extremely peeved off!!! Magnusson gets outed by .01 of a second!!! man that sucks
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