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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. What the hell, i dont think the Dyson sphere reacts different to humans. They were designed to keep "any" species from being destroyed by the effects by the Halo, not just humans and forerunners.
  2. hmm, evolved elites? Doesn't sound too bad, considering they do look more "creepy" but that could just be due to a cosmetic change.
  3. I once saw a guy with 3 wives, each wife had 4 children and each child had 2 pets, How many people/animals did i see?
  4. I hope so It would be nice to get these people noticed
  5. Very well said, i for one am proud to be a member of our great community
  6. Id love to be invited, only problem is im on Australian Time, so it would have to be after 6pm my time But yeah, i dont expect to be invited, although i do have a few idea's.
  7. Johnny and Jimmy are both 6 years old. Johnny is a lonely kid who doesn't have many friends at all, and has a tendency to making things up. When standing in line at school for lunch, Johnny notices that Jimmy doesnt even get noticed by the Lunch lady, or by anyone for that fact. Why?
  8. I vote yes, but i also agree with AD, you shouldnt ask for these things, what you shoulda done is let people on this site sample your music, then send a pmto a mod to offer your music for site use. Things could go on from there...
  9. Very detailed of you But i agree with the Promethean sniper, if it was available from the beginning
  10. Im more like an "idea's" guy. I can create characters and locations and stuff, but im not a good writer
  11. I have yet to get Absolute Dog's and TWAM's opinion on these Shout Out's, so i will be looking foward to getting it.But mostly i need people (mods included) to give me suggestions on how to create beter shout out's (i.e What i should add or take away)
  12. Exactly. It isnt about how old we are, cursing is still cursing and it's improper language for a legitamate community site.
  13. Plus id love to be able to place ammo cartriges and other small scenery items, it would really help with machinimas
  14. Id grab anything that gives me a boosted defence, so i could withstand more punishment
  15. No, Both discs are game related, not FUD. Thats in an entirely different case. Probably single player on one disc and multiplayer on second, although considering it is the first in a new trilogy, it could be commentary and extras on the second disc.
  16. How are the damage levels between the Scattershot and Shotgun? I.E what sets them apart? I think the scattershot is more accurate but thats just my opinion.
  17. It could be the Precursor, i mean nobody has stated that yet? (sorry if they have stated that)
  18. Cant wait for DS3, i love that series, ISAAC RULZ. But i seriously believe that the co op will not ruin the experience
  19. I appreciate your opinion, but i assure you, i only talk about people to get them recognized as friendly and entertaining, not to get them an award. I promise this will NEVER become a popularity contest, because i talk about people whether there popular or not, just to get them noticed.But like i said, i appreciate your opinion
  20. Did you know that Gunnery Sgt Buck is slated to become a Spartan 4? (not sure where i heard this)
  21. 40 something kill streak in 8 player free for all slayer match (custom) Although my swat score was best
  22. I thought your favourite was the potato launcher XDBut, i dont like the energy sword in MP cause it causes way too many fights
  23. I think im going to get Mark 6 helmet soon
  24. nice job man, hope to see more
  25. 2 discs could mean a longer campaign on the first disc, with the multiplayer and extras on the second disc.
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