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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. The EMP effect will definatly be there in Halo 4, but yeah it will probably be shorter effect or its could have shorter homing range most likely
  2. actualy, i believe the Jet pack was mainly there so players could reach Hard-to-reach area's. It wasnt meant for use in firefights or other combat situations.
  3. They should have an armour ability called Shockwave, where the spartan hits the ground and sends out a pulse that knocks players back and destroys there shield, but it also destroys yours. Whatcha Think?
  4. Truthfully i want the new armours to have more decorative features such as camo patterns and more ammo on the belts. Also it would be cool if we could put words on there armour, like our names or spartan numbers.
  5. Just follow this link: http://ebexpo.com.au/ Cannot wait
  6. New type of Firefight involving all 3 enemies form Halo universe!
  7. I thought warriors were just the strongest, no the tallest?
  8. I suppose i can help with writing. But i would need more info on what it is about.
  9. Campaign of course! Halo wouldnt be the game it is without the Campaign
  10. There will be a Halo Movie, BUT i want it to be made by Microsoft and 343, not some hollywood company, so as to keep originality. Forward Unto Dawn will be the Deal breaker, i can guarentee you. If it does well (it will) then the Movie will be proposed again. Like if you agree
  11. This is mostly for Aussies but, yeah, Halo 4 will be at EB Games Expo! And since it is near the release date, we mite get more info then we did at E3....... Like if you agree
  12. I really hope that the Spirit of Fire is back. I love that ship and her crew.........
  13. There are rumors that it is in pre production........ O_o
  14. I didnt enjoy rocket race that much
  15. Definatly! I want to make my Spartan stand out from the rest! Like if you agree
  16. I just want a good Halo game, true to its predecessors, but "new" in a way. BTW this is my 50th post..yayyyyyyy like if you like
  17. i was a commander till i lost my profile. Im currently Captain, and working my way up
  18. i made it up to Commander. then i lost my profile , currently at Captain...
  19. Sorry i meant to say rail gun, , i just keep thinking Gauss Rifle because it is apparently a handheld version of Gauss cannon on warthog
  20. It could also be a light shotgun O_o, like a sawn off. That would be cool, but unneccessary
  21. Halo: Anniversary was meant to be the exact same game, just with better graphics....so yeah i agree Like if you agree
  22. Cant wait for Halo 4 release. Wanna kill some prometheans.........
  23. It could be a new version of the SMG, probably large clip/rate of fire but low damage. Good against grunts bad against prometheans.........
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