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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. Fighting other Humans would be counter-productive too........ the UNC faces a much larger threat, and so while pirates/smugglers owuld be a problem, the UNSC would focus on the Covenant/Flood/Didact and prometheans.. Like if you agree
  2. Welcome to the world of Halo! Prepare to lose your life......... lol Like if you believe this is sooooooooo true
  3. Yes but it would be quite hectic. Although it would be good, it would keep us on our toes, switching tactics to take down different enemies, and even retreating to let the flood handle a few covenant stargglers, then going in after there weakened and wiping them out!!! Like if you agree
  4. I love how the armour has evolved. From CE where the armour was all the same except you could change armour, to Halo 4 with loads of variations and color designs, Along with the logo's. HALO FTW!!! Like if you agree
  5. They use big titles like Halo to bring other people arounf to buying an xbox over a PS3, these games are the deal breakers in a console war........ Like if you agree
  6. Human enemies on requiem wouldnt make sense though. Perhaps the Didact is just using Human Designs to "scare" the humans
  7. its probably remnants from forerunner/ human war..........
  8. Actualy i am looking forward to a change of pace. It will be good to see how 343 gives halo there own signature. Personally i cant wait for Halo4 and i believe it will be a huge success. Like if you agree
  9. The UNSC is Earth's military, governed by representatives from each nation. Like if you found this helpfull
  10. True, but i meant that we havent versed them in a main installment of Halo. Probably, because they arent much of a match for the Master Chief
  11. Wonder if the stubby thing on spartans leg could be like sawn off shotgun........... probably not though
  12. Oh yeah, when the words cover your crosshair in SWAT, it really sux Like if you agree
  13. The Halo universe is Extensive and absolutley beautiful. There can never be another Halo, and it will always be my favourite game. Like if you agree
  14. The DMR is primarily used as a precision strike weapon, usualy in the hands of experienced soldiers who can take down an elite with few shots. It is highly favoured by Spartans and high ranking UNSC soldier alike. Like if this was helpful
  15. Probably not. The Master Chief and the other Humans will be too focused on the prometheans to fight each other. Perhaps in another Halo title they will fight against rebels, but not Halo 4. Also you could be watching MP footage? Like if this was helpful
  16. The Promethean grenade, should use light in the same way that the light rifle does. Burning all those around a certain radius of the grenade. That would be cool Like if you liked this idea
  17. It will be better. The Halo universe is constantly expanding and getting better. Trust 343, Halo is in good hands Like if you found this helpful
  18. Yes your probably right. Or they could call them battle groups....
  19. Yeah i just realised that, but still. If i had a choice, i would go Gauss Rifle
  20. SykoWolf

    Spartan 4's

    Still though, they need to have specific genetic markers to recieve treatments.
  21. Gauss Rifle. Only because it is new, and unseen so far. It will probably be the new "game changer" in terms of MP. Like if you found this helpful
  22. The ranking system of the UNSC incorporates ranks from all 3 branches of modern day militaries, so as to accommodate the soldiers of the UNSC, from the grunt to the pilot. Like if you found this helpful
  23. Halo:LE comes with weapon skins, more armour and access to maps earlier then other people. Although this can change as we get closer to release date. Like if you found this helpful
  24. It looks spectacular. I cannot wait for it's release. I truly believe it will win loads of awards after it releases.
  25. Invasion had solid gameplay, so i do believe it will be back in Halo 4. 343 would not mess with tried gameplay, although they could change the name of invasion of something else.
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