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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. Alrighty guys...Im off to Army Basic (training that is) Wish me luck for the next 5 months ^_^ I shall see you all when I return

  2. Why am I not up there? I totally deserve to be a candidate :3
  3. No, I havent left...just had a bad night ^_^

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Well, stop that! have a good night, now! I command you!

  4. Good news...im staying...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Better news....I'm coming to you!

    3. Banehalo
    4. Ryu♥Hayabusa



  5. Depending on how things go tonight, I wont be talking to anyone for quite a while...sorry guys

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Good Luck with whatever the problem is! Just a suggestion, have you tried punching it 'till it goes away?

  6. Don't be alarmed if I removed you from my friends list, Im cutting down severely on who I have their, specifically only people I talk to often enough.

  7. Congratulations Mr Forger Man Sir! Welcome to the Pinky Keen Club Of Awesomeness! May I say we look forward to your month of Pinkedness and many future months/years/eons of your community involvement Cheers to you mate!
  8. I feel left out...why in fact are the contestants to Miss America Beauty Pageant plastered on a list? Oh.... nvm :3
  9. Always great to come back and read up on recent site activities Thanks again Drizzly Dizzly Dan Love reading these wrap-ups
  10. I'm gonna be stopping by alot more often guiz

  11. Someone tell Doc to update his minecraft server, otherwise I cant Build my super awesome castle :c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SykoWolf


      and its S Y K O

      >: (



    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      honestly i want to be able to play mc online but nope

    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Why don't you tell him an' stuph?? O_o

  12. When I have free time, I believe I shall join up Doc. Although just wondering if you updated the server to 1.5.2... Other then that, I look forward to joining and building my castle all over again...
  13. Sorry I haven't been active folks, got staff on another forum and it's got me working quite abit...ver fun though. Still miss you good people though :3

  14. Ain't that a kick in the head...

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      but the game was rigged from the start

  15. I hope you enjoy your break AD From what I know , you deserve it Try to relax as much as you can, I know how hectic life can get, thats why I get away from it all sometimes...
  16. Congratulations Victory! I've known you for pretty much the entire length of my stay here in our wonderfu lcommunity You have been a good friend to me and an excellent poster You are friendly welcoming and caring, just what we need in a MoM so congratulations from me to you You deserve it buddy
  17. This is all I tried to do in my history here.... I love this site...no doubt about that in my mind AT ALL.... I love the members... I love the staff.... I love Twam even... (Don't get any idea's Twammy Bear ;D) So if I can make even one person happy,or smile or just feel a little better, then my job is done... We can't control events in the world...people will leave no matter what. Events will go out of hand and things will become FUBAR... It WILL happen...we can't stop it..we can only try and help return things to normal afterwards... Im not the greatest member here, in NO way am I.... But I do try my hardest for all of you and I hope to god that shows through... I really do... so I apologise to anyone who I have upset,angered or annoyed in the past... I truly do from the bottom of my heart apologise to you... I hope to be back and active soon enough, and I promise I will put my hear tand soul back into the site to do my best for all of you newer members ~ SykoWolf , Your Generally Friendly Local Alpha Wolf, Past MoM, and just another average member of our Great site
  18. I remember when I was a hellavuh lot more active here spending pretty much every waking moment here... Then I took some time off recently... I remember all the fantastic conversations I have with a person I consider my brother and closest friend Azaxx and all the conversations with a sister like figure I have in Zelda and Ashlynn of course Those three really helped me alot in my time here, and so they will always have a place in my heart I know it sounds cheesy..but whatever
  19. Hey guys/gals :) thought Id update you, I will be ALOT more active towards the middle of April :)

    1. Minuette


      I don't notice you're gone because I always see notifications in my email almost 6 times a day :P

    2. Spyro
    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      awww welcome back syko

  20. Isn't this amazing.... Although I've only been a member on this site for a few months, I've watched it grow and grow after the release of Halo 4 and we finally surpassed another milestone... 60,000 MEMBERS!!! I for one think this is quite an achievement and I look forward to watching us pass 70,000, 80,000 and hopefully one day, 100,000 So congrats Twam for making a community that seems to just not stop growing
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