Well first and foremost i must say this is a true honour for me :3
I can remember when i first joined and seeing all the Pink MoM's as each Month passed by, and each one was a person i greatly respected, i didn't expect to be up there myself, but now i see my name has grown that bright neon pink and it brings a tear to the eye.
Now for my Many thanks:
To the Community:
You guys/gals are what keep me coming back, the people i try my hardest to help when you are in need, the people i stay up with till 5 in the morning chatting and arguing with (good arguments). The people who i love to spend time with in pretty much any fashion, whether it be in the Forums or the shoutbox or even PM's, you are what make this community great....
To the Mods/Staff:
You guys keep our wonderful community up and running, whether it be banning trolls and spam bots, or keeping our Facebook page active, all of you are what keep the Cogs turning and our many members coming back.
I know i may have made mistakes in the past, and it's your ability to forgive me that makes me so proud to call you friends :3
To my many Friends:
You guys keep me going, whether it be our many PM's or our long winded chats in the Shoutbox, you guys/gals really do make my time here worthwhile and i really hope we get many long months, if not years together
To our Admin:
You sir are an internet God...no but seriously, without you i wouldnt have met all these wonderful people, so i owe you a debt of gratitude and many MANY thanks for all you have done for me and the wider community
So thank you Twam, Thank you HEAPS
Now for a few special Mentions:
Azaxx: I regard you as my brother, in any sense of the word, you have helped me more then most people have in my life and for that i am forever in your debt. If you ever need me , i'll be there for you no matter what :3
Princess: You, just like Aza, have been there for me when i needed a friendly ear, or for advice or anything else i could need, for that i am also in your debt forever. I call you Princess not because your Member name is Zelda, but because you are fair,kind and generous, just like any Princess should be :3 (Aka, princess Celestia :3 )
Kota: You where my first friend on our great community and someone i hold in High regard, someone i will ALWAYS regard as a friend, if not one of my best friends. Whether it be due to your kind words , or our many wonderful chats, i have to say one thing to you.....
May you walk on warm sands my friend :3
Now i havent put in all of my close friends into my special mentions becasue the following message applies to you all:
You guys are special, you keep this site/community alive with all your kindness and generosity, you really have made me happy over the past months and i do hope you remain on this awesome community of ours for many more months if not years, so that i get to spend much time with you.
I promise to keep doing my best for all of you, so long as you promise to continue being there for me :3
You all :3