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Posts posted by SykoWolf

  1. In regards to Promethean Post,


    Things I think they need to fix:


    Lowering your weapon for machinima- I don't understand why you can't do this simply, or even online. Maybe not in matchmaking, but at least in custom games. We should also be able to walk, crouch, and look around without our weapon being up all the time, like in Halo: Reach or Halo 3. It's pretty damn ridiculous.I can agree with you on this one


    DMR and BR bloom- The DMR and BR both need more bloom, like the DMR had in Reach, but the BR has no bloom at all. There should also be more bullet spread. Either this or make the AR more powerful! The AR is as it should be and the DMR doesnt need more bloom, otherwise it wouldnt be a designated Marksman rifle


    Hardlight Shield nerf- Make it breakable, or make it so when damage is done to the shield, the time you are able to use it depletes. Never even heard of this issue before.... Hardlight shield is designed like a riot shield made of hardlight, it's not meant to be broken. How about you try a different tactic then a head on assault when someone uses it?


    No slow-down when shot- This is downright aggravating. I don't remember this being in any other Halo game, and it makes escape nearly impossible. I don't know if it was intentional, or the game thinks that bullets are large solid objects and have to slow the player down like crates. But it needs to go.Never felt this was an issue. But lets say someone has a shotgun and you have a magnum......shotgun would win in Close Qauters EVERY time if played properly. We need to give the magnum guy a chance.


    Add Theater to Spartan Ops- I realize that the reason there is no theater in Spartan Ops is because War Games is a simulation, in which you can realistically go back and record things. But theres some pretty epic stuff that goes on in Spartan Ops, and it would also be a great way to allow machinimas to be made in Spartan Ops.Machinimas ins spartan ops? no, because Spartan ops are basically campaign missions with set objectives and goals. I dont really see many people using it for machinimas

  2. listened to latest podcast, not cool guys.......this weeks has made me unsubscribe.


    some advice to syko and whoever is the main voice, dont bite the hand that feeds you.......



    We all have our opinions on issues, and we are 100% allowed to share those opinions so long as they don't go overboard.


    If you mean I said something about the brony ban....I already made it clear that I wasn't happy about it, yet I accepted it, and moved on, we all did, just as any good forum goer would have done.


    I only mentioned it because it was forum news, that was all...nothing more...


    Just know that none of us said anything that was meant to annoy or upset anyone.


    So I apologise if you took it as me getting up anyone in particular, because it wasn't.

  3. Alot of people want placeable AI's ..... This is difficult and requires work, it worked in Far Cry 3 since there was a limit to how many you could place, so thats the only way it would work in Halo.


    Other then that these are some good ideas.

    Most of them have probably already been thought up by 343, just chose not to implement them for one reason or another.

  4. I remember about 4 month's ago in the shoutbox. I had said something rather funny, then Mr Wolfy replied, but my message appeared before his , making him sound like he wanted to...and I quote.... "Get in bed with multiple men" ... I laughed for hours..but forgot to screenshot :(







    Hey guy's Your Pal Sykowolf here announcing the 2013 343i Community Member Video Game Awards !!!!



    Later this year in October I shall open up Nominations so that you can Nominate your favourite game of this year for a certain award (awards Listed below)



    Then after Nominations close, voting will begin in November, and finish by the begining of December.


    The votes will be counted and the awards shall be announced in an announcement thread :D


    So until then, Enjoy this wonderful year of gaming guys/gals



    Leave feedback and opinions below as to what you think of this idea


    • Like 4
  6. The following is taken from Examiner and a pcgamer article

    (Green text from Article, Orange is my own words)



    Crysis 3 appears to be one of the biggest releases this year, following the critical success of Crysis 3. Many people have wondered if a Crysis 4 would happen, and obviously rumors fly around like arrows. However it seems, Crytek themselves have said Crysis 4 WILL be appearing on the Playstation 4.




    While "Crysis 4" has been partly assumed to be coming from Crytek in the future, there was some doubt surrounding the game until Crytek themselves said "Crysis 4" would be coming, and it most likely will end up on the Playstation 4.


    According to a report from

    OPM on Friday, Crytek CEO and founder Cevat Yerli did confirm there will be another "Crysis" installment.


    Yerli talked about how the New York setting was not immediately accepted by fans and it wasn't a layup deal.

    He said he hopes the new urban rainforest will prove to be a great combination of the first and second game.




    Many people will be wanting a few more details about Crysis 4, but obviously this early into production, especially after Crysis 3 is still set to release, there wont be many details, however , there are hints at more Rainforests making an appearence in the next Crysis.


    Between the two games, he hopes fans will love this next installment, given that it seems to be including many aspects from the first two games.



    Yerli also did confirm that the development team is going to work on "Crysis 4," but they haven't penned anything on paper yet.

    It is completely unmade, Crytek just knows this will certainly be doing it.

    Previously, "Crysis 3" producer Michael Elliot Read talked about how established the "Crysis" franchise is and acknowledged the development team is already thinking about what's next.


    "I think over the last five years we have built up a strong and identifiable franchise, especially in the FPS area.

    "We are now talking about what we can do in taking the Crysis franchise into a new space and do something different outside of the story we have been telling with this trilogy," Read said.


    He has also been spotted talking about whether or not they could take the franchise further than where it is right now.

    And we could go in so many different ways in this franchise at this point, and weave in alternate story lines from different tech, to different realities and things like that. So moving past 'Crysis 3,' we have a lot of opportunities moving forward outside of this.


    "'Crysis' is something that has really helped build Crytek to what it is today.


    "From the CryEngine 2 with the original 'Crysis,' to what we’ve done with the CryEngine 3, and the number of licensees, and how we’re continuing to grow out that, in terms of film, and games, and architecture, and all of these different facets.

    "We’re moving in quite a number of different directions," Read said.



    Other rumors also surfaced about the fact that maybe Crysis 4 WILL NOT be a FPS...


    After the glossy trilogy’s completion, Crytek could explore other genres for the Crysis franchise. Speaking to Dusty cartridge, Crytek Producer Michael Read said he believed the dont call it Crysis 4 sequel would keep the saga going, but not necessarily as a shooter.


    “I think the Crysis franchise itself has life left in it,” Read said. “Whether it’s in a different game type format or whether it’s expanding upon this, it’s hard to say. That’s going to be up to the designers at the end of the day. Crysis was always intended to be a trilogy, and I think that over that time we’ve built a really cool universe. We haven’t really gone in and said, ‘Hey, let’s put Nanosuits and clown suits and stuff and completely violate and sell our IP.’ We have a lot more life left in that to go back and try some unique stuff. Whether it’s FPS or not I have no idea, but there’s definitely a future in the franchise.”



    With this all said, we will have many more months before more solid information will be released. For now, we can take solice in the fact that Crysis 4 WILL be coming to the Playstation 4, as an exclusive title? who knows....this is still in its early stages.



    Discuss below :)

    • Like 2
  7. I for one am proud to be involved with the podcasts. In my opinion, these podcasts are a great bit of entertainment for the community and I hope to continue them after I come back from my Army training.


    While we don't have an official podcast yet, this almost certainly makes up for that fact until one can be created by Twam,AD and whoever else is involved.

    And I sincerely hope you all appreciate the work that goes into all the editing and uploading of the podcasts, not to mention the gathering of topics and information to talk about.

    A VERY big thank you to all our guests,listeners and to the Other podcast members yourselves



    • Like 3
  8. The following are release dates and brief descriptions of games for this year


    (Note: I will update as more games come to my attention)







    Grand Theft Auto 5


    Release Date: September 17


    Grand Theft Auto V, commonly shortened to GTA V, is an upcoming open world Action-Adventure Video Game being developed by Rockstar North in the United Kingdom and published by Rockstar Games

    GTA V is to be set in fictional Los Santos in the state of San Andreas and its surrounding areas, based on modern-day Los Angeles and Southern California



    Bioshock Infinite


    Release Date: March 26th


    BioShock Infinite is an upcoming first person shooter video game and the third installment in the Bioshock series.

    Set in 1912 during the growth of American Exceptionalism, the game's protagonist, former Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt, is sent to the floating air-city of Columbia to find a young woman, Elizabeth, who has been held captive there for the last twelve years. Though Booker rescues Elizabeth, the two are pursued by the city's warring factions; the nativist and elite Founders that strive to keep the city for pure Americans, and the Vox Populi, a rebel grouping representing the common people.



    Crysis 3


    Release Date: NA February 19

    AU February 21

    EU February 22

    JP March 7


    The third game sees players take on the role of Prophet as he returns to New York in 2047, 24 years after the events of Crysis 2. He discovers the city has been encased in a giant Nanodome created by the corrupt C.E.L.L. corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. Prophet is said to be on a "revenge mission" after uncovering the truth behind C.E.L.L.'s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes.



    Metro Last Light


    Release Date: March (No exact Date yet)


    Metro: Last Light (formerly Metro 2034) is an upcoming post apocalyptic action-oriented video game with a combination of survival horror and first person shooter elements.

    Previously announced as Metro 2034, the game is a sequel to Metro 2033, and although author Dmitry Glukhovsky has apparently been working with the developers, it bears no relation to the book Metro 2043.





    Release Date: October (Rumor)


    Destiny is an upcoming first person shooter video game being developed by Bungie. As part of a ten-year Publishing deal with Activision.







    (Will be adding more, just need to get this up and running, Will also add pictures, they stopped working for me atm though :/)

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