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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. Well i can see the Arbiter returning, along with the Didact. I can also say that MicroSoft bought the domain names for Halo 7,8 and 9 . This DOES NOT however mean there will be a Halo 7, 8 and 9, it just means that thye have it on the table in case the game is still ready for a third trilogy.....
  2. 343 ARE NOT sending out the codes anymore, however it is believed that all the Spec's will be released to everyone in January, so its just a little wait until you get them
  3. Merry Christmas TWAM and All my other Friendss ^_^

  4. Or one really bad--- guy with a plasma pistol and his fist xD
  5. Syko Liiiiikes And for those who think Halo is only going to be played by it's "RECOMMENDED" Audience..... I've played Halo since i was 6 Years old.... i played Games like resident evil and Gears Of War before the "RECOMMENDED" age aswell
  6. Ok Buddy several points.... First and foremost...Stop your BS and treating other people like crap, otherwise you will get reported. You need to respect other members AND their opinions... Second, Halo NEVER stopped being HALO, yes it has changed, and most seem to like it. And while you have a right to voice your opinion , you dont need to be rude about it.. Third, Halo Reach was just as much a Halo game as Halo 3 Fourth, AA and Custom Classes , Loadouts and so on, ADD to the game, Why the hell wouldnt Spartans be allowed to choose their equipment? And i swear to God if i hear another BS story about "CoD Halo" im going to go crazy... HALO IS NOT COD, NEVER HAS BEEN, NEVER WILL BE Just because you add popular features, it DOES NOT mean that it is less Halo.....and either way Halo is Halo because of its story , not its MP, get your facts straight....... Thank you for listening, i hope you have enjoyed this butt whooping
  7. Guys the Spartans you see in the Movie are Kelly and Fred, their names are even stated throughout the movie. they chose Kelly and Fred because it was around that time that the chief was working with them...
  8. As for copyrights im sure we can find amazing music on youtube that all we need to do is contact those people and ask plus we have people in this community who do amazing music
  9. Making calls such as the one Del Rio did is all part of being a commander/officer.... He made the wrong one in this case, however at the time he thought it was right. Now with that in mind, he should have put a little more faith in the man who saved humanity more then once and who was completely willing to sacrifice himself to save humanity (By stranding himself AND detonating that nuke) Decisions like the one Del Rio made shouldn't be made out of haste, but rather out of time, even when it is in a very foreign and dangerous place facing an unknown threat (which is why he should have sent a Recon Picket out several times). He should have noticed that the chief knew what he was talking about and had more experience in actual fighting then Del Rio.... So while Del Rio was incorrect in his choice....he was without alot of info and did what he was trained to do, however there are some things that you need to learn on your own........
  10. I like the new Scorpion, a little slow yes, but still packs a hell of a punch in it. Fires a little slower aswell i've noticed. And i hate when your rushed by like 4 people, man that sucks, you cant do anything to stop it - _ -
  11. "The world needs to change, without change, things will not get better, without change people wont get better, without change we would still be back in the stone age, change is good, and people need to realise this. Once they do we can pull ourselves out of this pit we have dug ourselves and REALLY start solving the worlds issues"
  12. These are the wins and fails according to a long time fan and lover of the Halo Wins Master Chief is Back Campaign was EPIC New weapon sound effect.......gave me a nerdgasm, they actually SOUND like heavy hitting weapons finally Visually Amazing, i loved the beautiful scenery as your progressed through the game Infinity Slayer is EPIC, i love the feeling of bossing everyone with my loadouts Fails There are no REAL Good Swat Maps i have found Forge isnt much better, infact Reach had a better forge The loss of some of our great Game types Campaign was too short, although Still epic No Boss fight...made syko sad Other then that id still give Halo 4 a 9.9/10 (Halo got 9.8/10 , Halo 2 Got 9.9/10, Halo 2 got 9.8/10)
  13. Welcome to our great community If you ever need help, just PM me Id be glad to help in any way i can
  14. Welcome to our great community If you ever need help, just PM me Id be glad to help in any way i can
  15. Welcome to our great community If you ever need help, just PM me Id be glad to help in any way i can
  16. SykoWolf

    Very loud

    Best bet is to buy a new xbox or a cooling system for it. I have the old Gen 1 Xbox and it works fine with most things, but i have also got a newer Slim Xbox that i play on aswell.
  17. Im in love with the Railgun, it combines the skill of a sniper with the explosive power of a rocket launcher. You need to be on your target to hit them, but it's a one hit kill and is VERY satisfying
  18. Thats what i mean though, we haven't evolved past money, and we wont for many more year to come. That is why we have been held back from stopping famine and such. So this is still a FAR FAR away at this stage
  19. It would be a nice addition, but yes it would be more of a novelty then a "good" weapon
  20. The cost to set this up would be immense, and you would have to have a 100% success estimate for a company to invest that much money. Not to mention the cost of personelle and such, and travel. Cause im sure they dont wanna live there forever, 6 month deployments at the max. Plus the people you hire will have to be quite intelligent
  21. Too be honest im not sure what emblems they are, Brony forgot to mention lol. Also we dont have those Armour Skins. And the giveaway is finished
  22. To Those Who Know Me ------ Love ya ^_^

  23. Winner of the Windows 7 is Adm Ackbar !!!!!! So congrats to him
  24. GUYS WE HAVE DRAWN EVERYTHING SO FAR EXCEPT FOR WINDOWS 7 CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS !!!! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/22100-343icf-christmas-tree-winners/ Winners are added to the list with yesterdays winners
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