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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. Waste of Space huh? Well id have to say.... Boy Bands
  2. Spyro, hands down one of my favourites ever.. i just fall in love with that cute purple Dragon It was my first game ever and i still have my original copy and go back to my still working PS1 to play it
  3. The game is bloody amazing, and even though the creators always say that there Graphics engine is better then anyone elses ...he's allowed to because its true xD The Campaign is really amazing, the only issue i had was that abilities drained a little too quick
  4. Im 17 white.....and can bench YOU and Harbinger Combined xD
  5. What is the KingsCross District known for?
  6. Guys this game got great reviews, and Metro Last light is slated to be an epic game next year when it comes out
  7. We will miss you young padawan
  8. i should report you for breaking the sides of this thread with your ego.......
  9. So sorry to hear that Twin, if you need anything i'll be here for you, and so will many others :hug:
  10. 1: Your head doesnt fit in this thread 2: Your Ego doesnt fit on the site 3: Your evil!!!!!!!!
  11. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.....also..... NOOOOO!!!!
  12. Master Chief.... i dunno you said you bring shadow over many ships, but only a ship is bigger then you.. im confused
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