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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. True , True, however COD has always been more of a MP game, whenever they changed something , it was MP related. Unlike Halo, which changed both thing for MP and SP. Either way, Black Ops 2, looks to bring a little more life to the campaign...hopefully
  2. If you remember correctly, Halo has about 8-11 mission usually (mostly 10) and they are quite long and difficult, about 8-10 hours of gameplay if not more, Plus you will want to play it multiple times, so your looking at quite a long expenditure of time. so i wouldnt worry if i was you, it will more then live up to expectations.
  3. Yeah, CoD has been milked way to much. They need to spend more time on it then just try to release one every year. That way we can play a game much better then the previous "MP RULES" one's that you normally get.
  4. A Game where you play as an Elite wouldnt be a bad idea, perhaps it could be during the civil war between the Elites and the more fanatical elites. Alien v Alien in other words. That would be good so long as they give it the attention it deserves. Halo 2's mission was great but wasnt as well fleshed out, unlike the Master Chief and his role. So if they spend the time and money on it, then it would do quite well.
  5. ALso may i say how well FuD is done. It has the potential to even be called the First Halo movie.
  6. Congratulations to Azaxx on reaching the epic milestone of 100 000 shouts!!! Im sure many of you noticed how much he can talk As his friend i say...... CONGRATULATIONS AZA As a Community Member i say........ CONGRATULATIONS AZAXX As a fellow shouter i say......... RACE YOU TO 200 000!!! Either way, congrats Aza
  7. I get Halo 4 10 PM Monday Australian Time

  8. I get Halo 4 10 PM Monday Australian Time

  9. Hello and welcome to our great community If you ever need help, just PM me
  10. Yeah, FuD takes place before the public knew about the Chief and the Spartans. So they would probably be a little freaked by a 7ft 2 supersoldier coming to save there butts.......Also, Episode 5 comes on tonight at 8PM Australian Time
  11. You see some people will always have an issue with change, but change is great. Im sure many of you had heard this on a certain Vidoc..... Evolution not Revolution..... If Halo never changed, it wouldnt be as good as it is now
  12. Yes it wouldnt come as an expansion, it would come as a standalone title. Maybe with a single player story and side quests to fill it out more, you never know, as for split screen, it is possible, but not likely.
  13. I set my sail fly the wind it will take me back to my home, sweet home Lie on my back clouds are making way for me I'm coming home, sweet home I see your star you left it burning for me Mother, I'm here

  14. SykoWolf


    Thanks Vit

    © VITAMINPWN!!!!!

  15. I read in the latest edition of Game Informer that Day Z "May" be coming to console. I cant so how much i would love that to happen. Day Z is simply one of the best zombie survival games out there today, it was just abit sad that it was PC only. So the fact that its coming to Xbox may even mean it will be given its own full game. Hopefulyl with a better inventory, larger world, and a great MP.
  16. There is a resemblence, but more then likely a coincidence. They wouldnt just blatantly copy Star Wars......
  17. I agree with AD. It takes a big man to fight, but an even bigger man to admit he is wrong, and especially apologise.
  18. Shout Out to the Community.. You guys are what keeps this place running, with a little help from the mod's, Staff and TWAM

    1. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Thx Syko! And thanks you 343 and mods for being such a great community!

  19. Not to mention the consoles in Halo Wars, they required human touch to activate, yet they were of Forerunner design. Also, They were of holographic projection.
  20. Welcome to our great community If you ever need help, just PM me
  21. Say something nice.......... GO!!!!

  22. Did you know that the longsword is only mentioned and seen once in Halo CE?
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