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Jackal (2/19)



  1. ok hunter when the map would change you would just spawn randomly on the map
  2. and that's what i want to see is different new randomness but weapon drops are ok because sometimes you can get a crappy weapon or you can get a totally dominate weapon and kill everyone but i like how 343 is think random
  3. but is weapon drops limited to a certain gametype
  4. ok you make a good point
  5. ya all i'm asking for is some randomness to the way the maps are so that were fighting happens all over and changes
  6. i know it not going to be in halo but you know when you play halo you know were everything is and were might you find people today i played swat on halo reach and all the action happened in one area so you knew what was going and where everyone is but the weapon drops and random spawning is going to be cool but there will still be that one spot where everyone is shooting at each other
  7. that's the point its supposed to be interesting when playing you know where everything is where other players might be but if the map keep changes you keep moving having to keep adapting to the new map from the first one
  8. you want to know what would be hard but a fun gametype is a game that is 15 minutes long but every 5 minutes the map would change making it difficult but fun
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