We are just before the information glut in Halo 4. We are at the point, I believe, of having the most questions, but the fewest hard answers. A few questions are all but answered, but remain nontheless.
1. Dual Wielding
I haven't found any hard information about this, but I'm sure it might be out there. I would of course, be 99% sure that Dualing is still out. Funny, because when Halo 4 was first announced, I though for sure that it would return along side Chief, and the SMG. The move to larger, two handed weapons (Storm Rifle replacing Plasma Rifle), and the difficulty Halo 3 had balancing logic and power with them, I would think that the final nail has all but been put into this coffin.
2. Skins
In my opinion, 343 has been quite vague about these. It's clear they exist in at least two forms, character and weapon skins. The character weapon skins have been more revealed I think, due to the preorder bonuses. I am assuming it will indeed be impossible to get these via other means, so I wonder how many skins we will actually have. More importantly though, they have been very hush about weapon skins. I assume we will spawn with them? And map spawned weapons will have none? Or will weapons change to your chosen skin as you pick them up? It's just a cool addition, yet one that has been sort of mentioned and teased, but never fully explained. I for example, don't recall seeing an option to change them in the load out menu.
3. The elusive fourth grenade
I'm fairly certain a four grenade count was heavily teased at some point. We now supposedly know about the Promethium grenades (Is this 100% officially a real grenade type?). What is the fourth? It's often hard to imagine a new grenade in Halo, as their potential to change the game is very high. I am curious if the P. Grenade will be just another common weapon, ala the Spike Grenade, or if it and the fourth will be more akin to the Incendiary Grenade, a power weapon.
4. Bleed
Is there bleed? 3 had it, Reach lost it, 343 gave it back to Reach. Will we see Bleed again? And will it make for insanely fast kill times with sprinting thrustering plasma pistol rapid firing beat down players? Personally, i disliked the way it was forced back into Reach. But that's personal preference, and I am curious how it will or will not take its place in the new game. Bloom holds a similar question, but that has been discussed to death (And I don't think we have a concrete answer yet), so I will not talk about it.
5. The other Armor Abilities
With the way 343 has discussed player progression, Armor Abilities, and the way they want to have them affect the sandbox, one could easily draw the conclusion of there being substantially more AA's than we have been exposed to. For example, we have only really been shown (barely) 6: P Vision, Thruster, Hardlight, Jet Pack, Cloak, and Holo. When discussing the possibility of more (or a lot more), I think the idea of player progression comes into play here. How soon are we expected to unlock at least these 6 for ourselves? I find it hard to believe that it will take us a very long time to get these seemingly base, standard and showcased abilities. If so, will there be more that will be harder to earn? Or do we expect to only see these 6?
6. The other weapons, especially the mysterious Assault Carbine.
We have been told and shown about the long range and melee range sandbox for ever now. We (happily) have been exposed to the BR, DMR, we were shown the Light Rifle, and the Sniper as well. Of course, the important and still glossed over question is how the CQB sandbox will work. Some people are understandably concerned about the plasma pistol, and its massive shield damage in CQB for a spawning weapon. We have been told all about how the DMR will be the longer range weapon, and the DMR for medium, but we have not been told or shown how the Storm Rifle, Assault Rifle, and of course, the Assault Carbine (and Plasma Pistole, bleed, melee, etc.) will effect CQB. Afterall, with native Sprint now, CQB will likely play a bigger role than in Reach. It doesn't help that with most of the gameplay being from MLG, players seldom put down the DM/BR.
7. The Maps, and the Forge World Maps (as well as other editing properties)
We haven't been shown many maps. Undoubtedly, people were disappointed with Reach's lack of maps. Much of this was Invasion's to blame, taking two or more maps and making them unsuitable for 4v4 play (Whereas Halo 3's Last Resort and Valhalla worked for 4v4 or 8v8). So, I will be curious to see how many maps we get, how they cate to each player count, and also how the forge maps will work. They have stated there are 3. The one we saw looked nearly exactly like Forge World in style. In size and design, its hard to tell. It looked smaller. But we were shown very little. Forgers should be very eager to see if the other two maps will have different themes, and if they will cater to Forge as well as maps of the past. We will also see how much the game type editors allow for creative gametypes. I personally, am hoping for the return of VIP.
8. How player progression will effect balance, and how long we will be expected to be earning.
Compare, BFBC2. You can earn pretty much everything very quickly. Compare a single prestige of CoD. Relatively quickly. Halo Reach's ranks. They take a long time. What will we be expected to earn, and for how long? As I stated earlier, are we really going to have to play hours and hours and hours just to get the Armor Abilities? Will all these things be available to purchase for those who want it, or will they be rank locked. It seems hard to believe, and quite unhalo in a way, to force players to reach Brigadier General to use the Hardlight Shield (Or something). Will players actually have to grind to make a class they feel is up to snuff? (And what's this I hear about the Battle Rifle being unlockable?)
9. The Armor (Esp. Helmets)
About this time, IIRC, last year, we learned about all of Reach's helmets and stuff. We have been shown quite few. Many people, myself included, feel that some of them look quite odd. I feel that the major wave of helmets have yet to be seen. I am curious to see if they have more of a Reach, or Halo 3 look, and I wish to see the way the visors will look. (I feel we have very few basic, oh look, there's the visor, how cool) helmets at this point. What will they look like? Also, will we see Armor Effects again? And all that jazz?
10. The playlists
So, we know there will be TS and Infinity Slayer. Okay. What else will resemble Infinity? Will there be Infinity Objective? Or will it be alone? What about ranked playlists? Will we finally see a 1v1 playlist done right? How will they interact with loadouts? WIll we finally be able to throw down at SWAT with DMRs and BRs?
Please post whatever thoughts and ideas you guys have on any of these or other issues. Soon, I think, most of our questions will be answered.