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Dawn Wolf

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Everything posted by Dawn Wolf

  1. Agree with all your points but unscoping when shot. Don't think that's needed. Also, why does every Halo fan have to go out of their way to insult Call of Duty all the time? It makes you look extremely biased and kinda uncool, and really no better than CoD fanboys who hate on Halo for no reason.
  2. WOLF. I like simple, easy to gamertag associate tags. If I'm playing with a friend, and his name is Devastator, but his tag is X589, I'm just like, wait what? And really, no other tag would be simpler for me.
  3. There's pros and cons to the new ordinance system. I enjoy that not every game on a map plays and starts exactly the same, with power weapons anchoring down the combat. I enjoy that people don't fight in locations because a power weapon spawns there, but rather because they feel it is a tactical location. That said, I do feel there's too much randomness, I would prefer it if everyone had the "drop recon" perk, but it was much more effective, so people would plan around ordinance instead of stumble into it. The big crime, as been stated is this "We'll have lots of classic playlists for you" business. Right now, there is zero. That's messed.
  4. Anyone who hates Halo's collision system clearly has never played Call of Duty. Running into a player/ With a player in Halo: Bump. Running into a player/ With a player in CoD: Hey whatthef Lagg omg whfff fhoiduhgsddpoafifiofif ahh god, jeez, get away from me you people, god!
  5. Civil thread is nice. Although I've always found the term "constructive criticism" funny when applied to giant developers on a fan site. 1. Don't care about how long it takes, just don't make it reset my ordinance and default class loadout please. 2. TP: At the risk of sounding like a pretentious jackass, its an ability that's got to be used with a lot of thought, and can be quite interesting when used right. If you see it as an evade replacement, it will look useless, sure. But that's not really what it IS. As it stands, it's not useless. It's quite fun too. It can be used to get into cover at the last moment, which may actually save your life. It can be used for interesting jump/land/reposition plays on maps like Haven (Leaping off the cliff only to boost back to safety at the last moment is extremely satisfying). Now, I won't deny that deep in my squishy insides, I'd like a buff, but this AA is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Also, it's one that's in danger of being OP if buffed overnight. Try it with speed boost. If it was that good all the time, ohhhh boy. HS: The shield though, I agree more with you. While I was surprised by it's ability to block grenades when used right (Back up, turn to the frag, try to keep your distance so they can't get them right behind you to easily, rock the explosives perk), I was utterly shocked upon learning about the shield recharge thing. It's absolutely crippling, and makes it the only AA I believe that directly HURTS you in a manner for throwing it up. Used as any sort of last resort defense becomes an issue when it forces you to be one shot for the next twelve seconds. I'd be curious to know how much more decent it would be if this were the case, although my personal pet peeve about it is the lag when you put it down. It makes it a joke at CQC, players can almost just walk up and slap you in the face with minimal risk. Then people suggest increasing movement speed too. 3. While I agree that the DMR is the best all around, I don't really mind. I think it should be. From the beginning of Halo, the concept of the semi automatic, highly accurate weapon just on concept becomes the "best" weapon. It's basic, versatile, and hard to beat. Halo semi autos don't play well when made inaccurate, so basically if the skill of the player is high enough, the weapon becomes "perfect". Other weapons hold other advantages to compete instead, and this to me is held true to some degree. The BR has some advantages. It's far easier to kill weakened players due to the chip away and burst nature of it. The Light Rifle can outright kill in four shots, and will kill in no more than five at range, which is useful no matter how you slice it. The Carbine can kill faster than the DMR in theory, although takes a lot of skill and guts to pull off. The DMR's place is to be the default workhorse. Although, if you really don't like that idea, then sure, it's OP. 4. Eh. I'm SR112, lot's of Halo been played here too. I've never really thought it was an issue, just part of Halo. Jumping has an advantage on the upstart, because you didn't predict it not being psychic. But on the downfall, it's completely predictable in its trajectory, and has that disadvantage in a duel. Also, I jump a lot and use Recon button layout. (And a 2 sensitivity ). And I would say that I firmly think that CoD style jump decay would be awful. MY biggest critisisms on matchmaking... -More Small maps, better map rotation, forge and valhalla absent in a very desperate map rotation. Majestic pack to contain 2 small and 1 medium. Yay, good for TS! -Playlist rotation has been poorish. This Virgin Challenge crap can't end soon enough, five weeks of no updates is not cool when Slayer Pro was JUST taken out. Doubles should have been in from the start. I would like 1v1 too. Give fans of Pro and Rumble Pit what they want. Although, I'm generally happy with just TS. And I don't mean snipers. -Drop Ordiance was done differently than first described. There is no "warning" or prompt before a map drop, even if you have the perk that says it does so! You only see the same visual cue as if it has already landed, and only when nearby and looking at it. I expected the game to tell all players ahead of time, so they would then get ready for the skirmish. Instead it's much more, "Oh hey, cool," and you have a Binary Rifle. Similarly, the Personal drops need a bit of balancing. Overshield Needler Plasmas is not okay. -Gametypes. My biggest complaint of all. What the hell happened to Juggernaut, Assault, VIP, Race, and Assemetrical objectives at all! One flag? Where are the nice infection options? Where is elimination scoring support? Where is the ability to turn off sprinting? Overall, some of these things Bungie dropped the ball on too, but as far as custom settings and gametypes, this is just not okay for a Halo game. Like, why is it that with every Halo I feel like the game is just amazing, but freaking Gears 3 pulls of interesting gametypes, namely of the elimination variety, so easily. PUT IN A SCORE FOR SURVIVING THE GAME. LIKE SEARCH AND DESTROY. Those are my only real complaints with multiplayer. Then there's Spartan Ops...
  6. Why can't anyone ever make moderate statements. 1-50 system DOES help motivate players quite a bit, but is not the ONLY thing that motivates them. There is still plenty of drive to "win" for most players in H4 and R, just not as much as in ranked 2 and 3. 1-50 leads to SOME problems with boosters and derankers, however, if you are 40+, you should be good enough so that you can hold your own against 99% of players to some degree, and it wont matter who boosts and who doesn't. Furthermore, at least where I live, MS has made it so that 1 month cards are no longer sold, presumably to limit the steamrollers. If a guy wants to start a smurf account, he needs to fork over 20 bucks, and for the better part of those 3 months, the system will figure him out. If they're going to have your own 1-50 visible on a website, it should be visible in the game. No real logic there. I personally think they should make everyone's visible, AFTER the game. That would eliminate the "Hurr, he's 49, 48, 50, and 49, so statistically we should lose this game..." crap. But, it would allow you once again to see where you stand among your enemy after the game. I'll say this. Players communicated and tried a lot harder in H3 to win in the 40+ range than any other game ever. You could play some pretty good games in social (Used 1-50 too, invisible and lightly), or play some really intense games in Ranked. It's true. Most players no longer use mice. 1-50 would improve this. Really, the benefits pretty vastly outweigh the harms. The people who so desperately want it, get it. The people who don't want it don't have to play it.
  7. It's just that... Getting from 51-60/X1-X0 takes so little time... You can easily do a specialization a week... I don't think anything would be wrong with having people start fresh. What I was HOPING to talk about in this thread was... WHAT THE PERKS MIGHT BE! I think one that made your full auto accuracy tighter would be pretty interesting, and would really put those weapons well into the running.
  8. Think back to H3. How many games in Team Slayer were tense, because people were working together to win of equal skill. How many games were turned around via communication and team work? How many games had most people using mics? How many games, when hitting 49-49, had everyone hunkering down smartly instead of dgaf running to try to get the last kill first? Compare to H4 Team Slayer, rankless. That's what I thought.
  9. Oh come now. What isn't fair and balanced is that no one ever says something like, "MSNBC".
  10. I'm tired, and I disagree and agree with some things posted here. There is one thing, however, that has not really been mentioned, so I feel the need to mention it. Regarding Spartan Ops... It's UNLOSABLE. You. Can't. Lose. There is no life limit. No spawn limit. No (heavens forbid) time limit. No anything limit. There is no actual challenge. You spawn in the middle of the fight you just died in. And only benefit from it. You are rewarded for charging and dying. I do not understand their approach, spending so much effort on SO, to have it play like this. Absolutely dumbfounded. I mean... Legendery mode is so praised for its good difficulty. Was checkpoints or something so hard for SO?
  11. He's trying to shut the people up who say things like, "Explosives perk ruins the game, you have to take it, otherwise you die by grenades too easy and your grenades do no damage." And there's a lot of these people.
  12. But I wanna be a SR130 Pathfinder!
  13. I recommend forcing yourself to practice your slaying skills by playing more 4v4. 8v8 can really be confusing, offer WAY more chaos and randomness that is extremely counter productive to learning and honing your skill. In most 4v4 games, you are much more encouraged to plan your fights, and win them on your own metal. But a few simple Halo rules for intermediates can help I think: Watch your radar at all times. Try to pull back if more than one enemy is beginning to advance on you. Try to stay in the general area of your teammates. A lot of games, I will be being destroyed consistantly. Then I will remember, I'm lone wolfing, ignoring where my team is. If I want to play smarter, I have to stay with them. The enemy is doing the same. Force yourself to pick the rifle (precision) that you are most comfortable with, and practice with it. Game after game. Learn the hits you need to kill. Use grenades smartly, often defensive grenades are the most immediately effective. When id doubt, play for spread, not for kills.
  14. I don't think anyone disagrees about what should be added. Personally, I would like to see a 1v1 playlist as well.
  15. "We all know it's overpowered so why isn't it patched already? Stop saying it's fair." Right. Every time anyone disagrees with you, they should just stop. "All players use it" No they don't. "it's too strong." Are you sure? What about the DMR? Or any of the weapons. They all kill in under two seconds, you know... "'Yeah, you just suck.'" Not unlikely. "i barely get killed" Really? Are you some sort of super MLG pro Halo god? I hear even Tsquared gets killed regularly. "this gun is just a joke." Wait, it's a joke? Doesn't sound like a joke the way you're describing it. Sounds super serious. Like the fate of Halo depends on it. "I get tons of kills without it" Then what's the problem? "most of my deaths are due to this op gun" I wish most of my deaths were attributed to just one weapon, which I could then adjust my style of play to avoid most of my deaths. And I believe you. Most of your deaths totally aren't form rifles. You probably only play on Abandon, and only go up the lift when it's occupied. That would explain it. "that kills me out of nowhere from miles away." Picks one of the shortest ranged weapons in the game. Complains about being killed out of nowhere from miles away. Did he snipe you with it from across the map now? Headshotted you with it did they? "All those who believe it's fair use it" Yes, that would make sense. You probably use the DMR, like me, which half the people here feel is unfair. "don't get kills any other way" Nope. Never. Toats not. "don't even dare annoying me" Oh no, how could anyone dare. It's not like this thread hasn't been made hundreds of times, and it's not like you didn't make a horribly embarrassing, childish post. "boltshot" Yeah, well I can end my posts with random weapons too. covenant carbine EDIT: Oh god, his name. His name...
  16. It depends on where you throw the grenade? Halo frags have always had a 1 ish second fuse after the GROUND, not wall, was hit. (Really, an ingenious, logical, and highly adaptable grenade solution). So if you throw is super close, it's go off super fast, and you won't be able to shoot no matter what Halo you're playing. If you lob it pretty far, you'll always be able to fire off a few shots before it goes off, that goes for all Halo's as well.
  17. I normally use the DMR. I decided to use the BR for a week just to try it out. I did fine most of the time. I'm going back to the DMR. Is that okay with you, OP?
  18. I think it's missed. If anyone forgot, they "changed" it to where the X shows up on your radar now. Instead of in the world. I didn't really like seeing that and the color waypoints go. But I love the elevation radar. Radar for the win. Removes luck.
  19. I'm not trying to imply you aren't good with the Storm Rifle, or that the weapon is not viable, but, to play the devils advocate, I would continue this debate. The weapon only kills ONE shot faster than the AR, and I'm not sure if the fire rates are equal. The Storm Rifle is definitely less accurate. The two weapons have roughly the same exact kill time even at melee range. So, the only advantage I hear you citing for the SR is that you can fire it in long bursts continuously without reloading. Thing I don't get is, reloading an AR is very fast, and you can choose when you do it, as soon as you have a free moment. In the amount of time between bursts with the SR to let it cool down, couldn't you just have reloaded instead? And especially taking into account that the AR benefits from dexterity if you run it, while the SR does not. I mean, I just don't see the overheating thing as worth the substantial accuracy penalty. And I don't see ANY advantage whatsoever in the Suppressor. Haha, Railgun ftw! It's like, the power of a rocket, the precision of a sniper, the awesome feeling of a charge up, and the coolness of the MAC cannon. I've never enjoyed using a power weapon more, and sometimes you can just turn corners with that thing and KNOW the dude is gonna get wrecked. Only thing I'd say is that a teeny bit of lag or bad luck can really ruin your day with it.
  20. Check your stereo cords. And see if your disc is scatched. My CoD4 did a similar thing and it had a giant scratch.
  21. It's not gone. You might have had your music turned all the way up. The balance for music and sounds might make his voice go away if you have music at max volume.
  22. Sigh... So THIS is why we don't have 1v1 playlists... *shakes head in shame.
  23. Yes, definitely. I loved it in H3, even if they did it oddly. Who cares if people boost, 1v1 needs to be added. You don't have to play it, but lots of people would.
  24. I have it, and I can't figure it out. It doesn't seem to make a huge difference. The ordinance I see doesn't seem to specify if it's there or coming, and most of the its already there. If it's not, it usually arrives within seconds, way too quickly to make time to go and get it... Am I missing something?
  25. 403 - 5, huh? You're either lying, or you should be proud of yourself, and actually go and make money playing the game. Here's a newsflash: If you're that good, it's because of skill. You are good at the game. Many others are not. I'll say it one more time. All in all, MULTIPLAYER GAMES ARE NOT EASY OR HARD. RATHER, PEOPLE ON THEM ARE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF SKILL. IF THE GAME IS EASY FOR YOU, ITS BECAUSE YOU ARE BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU ARE COMPETING AGAINST. Or am I crazy? So you hate CoD, and H4. I take it you liked H3, right? Or 2? Why not just play those. I don't know, seems like you don't really have a reason to be here. Maybe you should just go play CoD competitively and make a living.
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