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Dawn Wolf

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Everything posted by Dawn Wolf

  1. Yes, I realize that. Im a competitive guy, I support the "adapt or die" philosophy. But this is a matchmaking discussion, and this is the place to consider if weapons are broken or not. It's a fine line after all, right? If the DMR killed in 4 shots instead of 5 (lol), people would be even more so angry and talking about how OP it is. If the Boltshot's charged shot could be held indefinitely and had the range and power of the shotgun, even more people would call it OP. What I'm saying is that even though I "deserved" the kill in the proposed situation, it wouldn't be possible with any other weapon. The definition of OP is not necessarily "Breaks the game", but "Significantly more powerful than the alternatives". At this point, if you're not running big team, or a sprayer primary, I think the advantages of the Boltshot are huge. I'm not whining about it, I'm just stating that I could see this being a problem in some ways. I use the thing, personally, I am fine with keeping it as is. Even though weapons will always rise to the top, variety is nice. And in H4, it feels like the DMR/BS/PV class is going to simply dominate the game. Not saying people don't use the BR and other weapons, and that they aren't perfectly viable, but I feel surprised that the BS is as good as it is.
  2. Another thing you guys are forgetting about the Boltshot is that it's a secondary. This means that it is not at all a disadvantage to have it as a CQC weapon if you rock a DMR. People are not going to use the Boltshot at range. They'll pull it out for close range. The DMR is not a "counter" to it. And again, there's a huge difference between charge shot plus melee, and charge shot instant kill. I feel like I have killed way too many players with the Boltshot where I would have been doomed with any other loadout weapon. Guy has me one shot. Run behind cover. Ring around the rosy him. Pop out as he inevitably gets just a LITTLE too close and get the kill. Repeat with another guy 2 seconds later. Yeah, this sort of advantage is fine for a power weapon. But a loud out weapon? I'm not exactly complaining. I have fun with the thing. But I do kinda feel it might be slightly OP in the scheme of things.
  3. Eh, there's some pretty good counter arguments to your points. I'm still on the fence about it being OP. I'll present the other side. Here's the thing. Halo (Especially 4) is a game where milliseconds count. They make all the difference. That's why people consider the DMR OP. It's ONLY OP by a few milliseconds behind the other weapons. It's why shotguns users win at CQC often time against other weapons. So the DMR can kill in 1.5 seconds. So the PP can kill in a melee. Doesn't matter when something is a one shot. What makes the Boltshot questionable is that it kills instantly. No other loadout weapon does this. What this means is that: You can often be one shot from losing a duel, head into cover for just a brief second, and jump out for a one shot kill as soon as the other player steps within the danger zone. You can actually HUNT down sword users (Esp. with P V), and with the proper skill, mercilessly force them into CQC, and counter their power weapon. You can get some crazy double kills by jumping around people whilst charging the thing. That other weapons would not grant you. Then there's the prospect of the full auto weapons. The Boltshot really does make these already underpowered weapons have another horrible disadvantage. It's hard to want to get as close as you can when everyone is using this thing. -It's a decent distance away. About the distance a Scattershot needs to one shot someone, or a sword lunge. Think about that. A loadout weapon has the same POTENTIAL killing power as the sword. Less than the shotgun of course. -You have a decent window for timing the shot before it autofires. If, for example, this window was gone, and you had to wait for the gun to fire, it would change everything. -It's hard to grenade someone if you are out, or if you aren't aware they are there. And they're dodgable/survivable. P Vision makes Boltshot that much better. It's very useful with one. Against a Boltshot, I don't know. Just because you see someone in the heat of battle doesen't mean you'll notice the tiny little weapon they have. And people cant always give something a wide berth, there are plenty of times one would be "forced" into the boltshot, just as with any other melee power weapon. -You can still miss the one shot and duck back into cover to either do another charge or swap weapons. It's not that much of a death sentence. If the enemy is one shot, you can even start spraying with the boltshot. -We would hope the weapon would garner SOME disadvantage for the power it has. Yes its a risk to use it, but that doesn't always offset something's power. It's also a "risk" to use the sniper. Overall, I use it a lot. I get a pretty high amount of kills with it. Does it get me killed sometimes? Sure. But the potential for winning situations you should have NO chance of winning is there. Is this completely a bad thing? Not sure. But generally on smaller, 4v4 maps, I see no reason NOT to take the boltshot. And that's often the definition of OP. It's complicated, for sure.
  4. Well, this might be a good time to ask. Is there ANY logic/pattern/predictable method to the map dropped weapons? I was kind of disappointed because I thought all players were going to be "notified" when new ordinance came. Instead, I find myself randomly going, "Holy crap, there's a SAW right there. Cool." I guess maybe they kept that feature to the tracker spec.?
  5. Unfortunately, I have to agree here. A lot of times, I go into big team with a positive outlook, wanting to play a big fun game. But I think for me, personally, exsessive vehicles and power weapons just start to get under my skin? I realize this is what people want, and I'm not for sure saying its a problem. But a lot of times I play Exile especially, I feel like everything is just such utter chaos. Nearly everyone you meet is either in a vehicle, or has a power weapon. And that gauss hog is extremely irritating.
  6. I'm SR 75 and have not noticed this being a problem o.O
  7. Dawn Wolf

    IC... Why?

    So, 2 medium death explosions =/= 1 large death explosion =/= 5 mini death explosion ? They're balanced. It's fine. Pick one of the actual problems to complain about.
  8. So then... You're an above average player. Seems like you don't need help as badly as half of population. Though I will concede, KDR's are pretty meaningless in Halo. (Because of MM)
  9. Increase the credits for actually WINNING the game? I don't understand why it's still so small...
  10. Told myself I wouldn't complain about the playlist issues till a month passed. Almost here. Almost here...
  11. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Anyone who says that Halo 4 plays simlilar to CoD has either: 1. Never played Halo 4 2. Never played CoD 3. Is terrible and/or and fails to understand either one
  12. I think what's MORE of an issue than camo snipers are entire teams of camo users on small maps. Can get kind of ridiculous. And contrary to popular belief, P vision doesn't seem to counter Camo, Camo counters P. Vision... xP
  13. It doesn't seen hard for people to do it themselves. Why would we need 343 for this?
  14. Yeah, camo seems way better than it was in Reach. I've been seeing mostly Camo and P Vision in play. This thread verifies this as well...
  15. Ugh. I really don't understand why this sort of gametype hasn't appeared more than once like that. Evidently, people like it! So unfortunate...
  16. Indicates surprising things. I did some casual, simple tests. Basically, kill times at ranges. I was shocked to find that the AR seems to be better than the SR and Suppressor in EVERY way, in terms of kill times. At melee range, ALL THREE WEAPONS seemed to have a kill time of 1.5 seconds. From there, the SR and Sup. deteriorated significantly faster than the AR. The accuracy on both of those weapons quickly becomes pitiful. I expected of course, to balance things out, the SR and especially Sup. to kill faster closer, but based on my tests, it doesn't. This kind of surprises me. Now, even if you USE the SR or Sup, and do well with it, this doesn't mean the AR isn't better. Does anyone feel any real advantage from using the SR or Sup? If so, go into testing and try this for yourself. It's weird...
  17. Dawn Wolf


    Armor lock is awesome. Quit hatin'. I'm surprised they didn't make the BS deal less damage proportionally the faster you fired it. Seems like it would make sense.
  18. Dawn Wolf


    I'm on the fence. Arguments for the Boltshot: Killtimes are very fast in H4. If you get close enough to someone, they've probably had a fair chance to kill you first. The Plasma Pistol is also very good in that it can drain shields in just 3-4 shots, and melee kill after 2 or 3. It also has many uses, outside of just spraying players. The Magnum is also useful if a Full Auto primary is selected. The Boltshot also offers a defense against power weapons, such as the sword. The semi auto mode is terrible against shields. You need the ENTIRE mag just to destroy shields. Although it CAN headshot. Against the Boltshot: No other starting weapon can one shot kill. The range on it is actually quite decent. It can kill instantly at a few feet away. Or, if it strips all shields, it can start going for the headshot. The charge time is fairly easy to manipulate, because you can release the trigger at any time after it begins charging and before it auto fires. The weapon can, in the hands of a good player, devastate sword users, and is very deadly when paired with P.V.. The thing is, in most small team games, the advantages of the Boltshot generally seem to outweigh the advantages or any other weapon. Having a one shot to fall back on helps tremendously. Also, the Boltshot's initials is BS. I find this amusing.
  19. I like CTF in H4, but I want assemetrical 1 Flag back. I REALLY, REALLY do.
  20. Well, the question is, why don't THEY just forge a 1v1 map? Several maps. And make a 1v1 pllaylist. This would be good. Doubles too.
  21. Getting from 1-50 seems relatively comprable to 51-60. Not quite as much, but for my first week of play I got from 1-50. Second week, 51-60. Third week, 61-70.
  22. I think you need 250 Close Calls.
  23. They have one more week to start making sense. I gave them a one month period. Kind of surprised they removed snipers. For Objective FFA. Instead of Slayer FFA. Instead of Doubles. Instead of grouping KOTH, CTF, and Oddball, and adding Snipers, 2v2, and Lone Wolves...
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