1. There's no reason to imply that CoD takes no skill. I would rather both fanbases respect the other game properly.
2. There's nothing inherently wrong with a exp system like what we have, only it probably should have a higher cap, and be accompanied by an actual RANK. You know, like all the cool games now. Starcraft, League, and even Blops 2 has it, and it works very well.
3. The stupidity of the proposed system has nothing to do with anything else. It should be changed, but everything else would be fine with it.
4. H4 doesn't need saving, just a nice boost, which I agree, it will probably not get. People are too drastic with their words, and it makes them less credible. H4 is still one of the most popular games on xbox, and Halo games always will be. Just because it's shrunk down a bit because of CoD and silly decisions doesn't mean it's not still a huge title that "needs saving". Not that aren't lots of things I would do to improve it.
5. Ideal system: Just add leauges/ELO. Like what SC2 has. Reach basically had it, though it was executed terribly. ELO should always be based of W/L, because that's how it works. Otherwise you get awkward problems (like Reach).