My abstract indie sig haha I will take that as a compliment, you can thank the person that made it Insignia. I am not butthurt about anything, it just gets old when 40 topics are posted every hour about how the new features are taken from CoD.
You are nobody to tell me I do not contribute to this forum, you barely registered here and you probably wont stay long anyways. You are just part of the crowd.
As for the features themselves
Loadouts: They are fine, granted I would rather have the H3 style weapon spawns.
Killcam: Definetly needs a fix, I am suprised it was not mentioned
Instant Respawn: It is an option, you dont have to press the button, you can wait your 4 seconds.
Promethean Vision: I havent found many people camping corners with it. People will camp regardless.
And lastly DMR is OP needs to be nerfed one way or another.
You will probably keep the argument going so I will just end it here.