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Real Talk

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Everything posted by Real Talk

  1. OK. It was a long post and maybe I missed a lot but one thing I would like to point out is your example of someone hogging the bomb. The guy is not going to be invincible because hello? Theres another team trying to kill you. I could really care less about friendly fire being on or off most the time.
  2. People often complain of slow change. Halo has enough change considering its a new company taking on a new trilogy.
  3. I can already see this reporting being abused...
  4. I saw the Halo Bulletin and I read that there wont be any UNSC air vehicles in Matchmaking ._. . But more on topic its about time that we are able to drive a pelican!
  5. I dont see it as a big deal. It is only one weapon right?
  6. I think Halo 4 will be able to take most played game on xbox once it comes out.
  7. As Magnus said they will continue to milk CoD as they did Guitar Hero (I really liked Guitar Hero ). It wont matter if they re sell the same thing over and over again and produce a story that makes no sense. They will milk it until their cash cow cant produce anything. But I still think a lot of people will still like playing CoD for a few more games.
  8. Heroic for the story then Legendary for the achievments and challenge.
  9. So what does everyone think will be in the future for CoD? I mean they have hit the future with BO2. Will they keep on going and blow up the world? Or will they go back in time to the Stone Age? My thoughts are that aliens will be introduced within the next 2-3 CoD games . 200 yay
  10. Whats so hard for them to just show the rank? A lot of people go kaboom over this. But meh as its already been said things could have been worse.
  11. If you are going to compare games at least make sure you compare games of the same type...
  12. I would say they should stick with giving people exclusive armors or skins for playing the previous games. Anything beyond that like giving them guns earlier would give an unfair advantage. At least for a while.
  13. I cant wait to play Spartan Ops. So to get things straight season one already comes on disc and season two will be on the marketplace a few weeks later?
  14. I think he was talking about the probability of you finding a random guy who has played Halo 4 early. Like legit.
  15. People will always make clans because they do not feel like they fit into any other ones. When you dont like anyone elses lemonade you make your own or you just dont drink any.
  16. Dont forget to mention he has the first H4 montage coming on November first! I think a lot of people have watched Bravo's channel myself included.
  17. It would be a nice surprise to see someone fly a pelican out of nowhere. "OMG look its a Hornet!" "Its a Falcon!" "No! Its a pelican!" *Someone lasers it out of the sky*
  18. The simplest solution to betrayals is the one they are using right now for a few game types. Just turn friendly fire off. Piain and simple.
  19. DLC and steelbook for free only for getting there early!? (Did I read that right?) If so I need to find me that store.
  20. I dont see why you would take a new 4GB regardless since you will eventually need more storage space. 4GB is waaay to small.
  21. Yea Dead Space is a great game its one of the few games that I can go back to and play all over again . Already beat it a couple of times and I am now on the hardest difficulty, pain in the ass.
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