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Real Talk

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Everything posted by Real Talk

  1. I thought it was good you got to see the covenants side of the story. I do not think you were supposed to be more sympathetic, more like understanding.
  2. This. And as for the feedback idea the same would happen :/ , people could just give 0's to just mess around even though the map is good. There will always be those players who just want to troll. Still its a good idea.
  3. If I was going to buy an accessory it would probably be the headset and controller.
  4. Well looks like they are giving some love to everybody. I dont really mind about not getting 2 helmets.
  5. There should be something after Legend. Other than that at least you get a little bit of savings.
  6. I voted for the tie at the last minute. Just saying . Congrats to both!
  7. In the defense of SO it is pretty much an extension to campaign right? So it would make sense that this extension would cost money after the first season. The easiest way to extend campaign is through releasing it through DLC (the way I see it). I do agree with you on it being a marketing scheme, its a good one imo. As much as I prefer SO over Firefight I think most people would prefer to have both of them on, or at least they wouldnt have such a bg problem compared to right now.
  8. Another good lesson from Twinreaper. The more you know.
  9. Hmm I think I will be voting the last minute possible
  10. It sucks for silver accounts, its one of those things that should be able to be played by anyone who bought the game.
  11. 343 has a lot of pressure and are doing plenty of new things. I give them props for that. Still, we cant really have a final verdict until they have had a chance to complete their trilogy.
  12. Real Talk

    Shotty Snipes

    Im sure Action Sack will be filled with plenty of action. I would like to see Shotty Snipes be in that sack.
  13. So it is official then? Big retailers are no longer offering the Limited Edition? I wonder how much they are going for on Ebay.
  14. YES! KOTOR FTW!!! Besides that hopefully this will turn out to be an awsome arcade game! But I agree who doesn't want a Battlefront clone.
  15. Why dont you like the promethean vision? Seems like a good addition to me. The ranking system is meh. But we cant really judge the changes until we actually play the game and feel its effects, im sure peoples opinions will change once they actually play the game.
  16. I remember for the GoW 3 season pass they said it would only be out for a while but it ended up being around a lot longer (at least I always saw it at the store). Who knows how this season pass will come out, I would say buy it sooner rather than later. But yea this DLC seems pretty cool it shows that they may have some cool DLC worth buying the season pass for.
  17. My mom actually got me my first game . She bought a Gameboy color (for me or her I cant remember) but I am pretty sure the first game she had was Tetris. I must have been what 3-5 years old? What really got me into gaming though was the Super Nintendo. Mario games all day eryday! After that my uncles bought me new systems from time to time, my Playstation one (Spyro games and Crash Bandicoot!), all the gameboys (parents) , Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360 (I bought myself). Still Halo 2 was the first competitive game I played online. Every console has fun memories playing with cousins and friends even my mom (I had difficulty with mario at first) lol.
  18. This is the best thing you can do if you want LE + LE Console. Or just simply sell to a friend who wants to buy Halo. Just make sure to do it sooner rather than later.
  19. What exactly is MC's weakness? I'd like to argue that MC can do most of what Cap can and more. I will let someone else bring up the stats and such .
  20. If your matched with them because you are deemed to have similar skills to them then they end up quitting. Thats when it affects people. Although I personally have no issue with boosters they dont bother me, they can do w/e they want, I'll still mop the floor with them.
  21. Firefight can get repetitive and Spartan Ops gives you something new each week so I go with Spartan Ops.
  22. Yea im pretty sure I added you no worries
  23. Congratulations to everyone! Glad to see a couple green members up there! Represent
  24. A new vehicle is always a good thing unless its you know its....OP. I dont really know much about this mantis , I would guess its not to OP though.
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