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Real Talk

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Everything posted by Real Talk

  1. Join in Progress hasnt been much of an issue for me. When I lose a teamate the spot gets refilled before I know it. However I have had those times when I get thrown into a losing match, really annoying. Of course this is my personal experience, however I believe JIP is the way to go, just needs to be tweeked.
  2. Alright folks so I am not sure when the official playdate/ possible tournament will be organized. But I would like to host my own thing for Halo Wars while things get sorted out. I would like to start this weekend, maybe Friday, depending on peoples availability. So if you would like to join me this weekend on Halo Wars post what time you could be available and if we get enough people if you would like to do 2v2's, 3v3's or even 1v1's. I played with Drizzy and Fishy the other day and I am sure they would be down to play again, so there is three people right there .
  3. Hard to find with people nowadays. Especially ones that are not annoying. I usually talk into the mic to see if theres anyone there, usually dont get any response.
  4. I agree with most of this except the boltshot bit. Its not like it can shoot a great distance. And to respond to Drizzy's question I think the point is that Call of Duty is causing games to increase the randomness in multiplayer games. That way they are able to draw in a bigger crowd, like Call of Duty.
  5. I am sure avid CoD players would give the best CoD game title to the 4th by far. As for Treyarch improving their game I dont really see that besides moving Perks around, renaming them and changing the skins of guns. Of course they have added things like wild cards and score streaks overall its the same CoD game as before. EMP's are the worst thing. Ever. The most Treyarch improves is Zombies. As for people having issues with H4, its warranted seeing as it was an unfinished game. Pointing out its flaws at least give the possibility that next time around the same mistakes are not made.
  6. Just look at CoD's numbers. TON of people buy it because its CoD then the leftover population is small compared to initial numbers. As for the statement saying BO2 takes more skill that statement is quite silly. CoD does not take to much skill to play. Just use a gun with the highest rate of fire, easiest way to rack up kills. Point is the low population is not solely 343's fault and dont expect the high numbers of before, for that to happen Halo 5 would have to bring in a huge demographic of people ( which includes casuals) and compete with the dozens of other titles that are coming out.
  7. Mass Effect did not have online multiplayer. Left 4 Dead really? Population really does not have much of a choice with these games. Plus Halo 3 had good things going for it, fun online and not much competition. Halo 3- 2007 Mass Effect- 2007 Call of Duty 4- 2007 Left 4 Dead- 2008 Gears of War 2- 2008 P.S. Minecraft has high population because anyone can play it. Easy and fun thing to do when you just want to mess around.
  8. I would not say tons. Barely any if I remember correctly. It wasnt until CoD 4 came out, that another option was really available.
  9. Its going to be a long 10 year run . I have confidence Bungie will make it worth while.
  10. Sniper Rifle is my preffered sniper. Beam Rifle is good but I like to give myself more of a challenge. P.S. 500
  11. I think its more likeley people will complain its not strong enough now. It goes back and forth.
  12. In objectives its not really that nooby seeing as you can cover teamates running the flag. As for regular Slayer I find camo snipers taking my kills rather than "protecting" me.
  13. Yea the campaign had a good variety of vehicles, I am pretty sure you got onto pretty much every kind of vehicle available. We drove a Pelican cmon! Next thing I expect is a Scarab.
  14. Its a nice small vehicle that is quick and easy to kill people who are on it. Pretty much what Caboose said.
  15. Artist: [insignia] Classification [signature] Format [PNG (Static image)] Size [Default: 600x200]* I would like for you to use your creativeness again for my sig again when you get the chance Insignia.
  16. People will still complain about it so I dont see anything changing really.
  17. This. If you had enough people to constantly play on one account you could win too.
  18. I dont see why people just dont post why they are leaving. Mine as well just not mention it. But sad to see another one go hope you return HN.
  19. Shotty Snipers is a variant so dont get mad when people use the weapons they are given and when it is the gametype chosen. People always camp, they always have. Camping is not solely on CoD.
  20. They need smaller maps. Which I am pretty sure are in the next map pack, so we will see how good they are.
  21. People hardscope plenty in SWAT with DMR's and BR's. I do not see an issue implementing a sniper class into SWAT.
  22. They should speed up the assassinations.
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