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Real Talk

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Everything posted by Real Talk

  1. 14. Dieing to the frag you threw that bounced on a wall and came back to you
  2. 11. Get killed by the banshee you just jumped out of.
  3. I think the man who was abducted as a child, served his life as a soldier, and saved the galaxy (twice now?) should be allowed to disobey a debatable order. I say debatable because everyone has opinion on the order. He had his reasons he did not just decide to tell Del Rio to screw off for no reason. Also hes not just any soldier.
  4. Oh man definetly play Dead Space if you have not! That will definetly satisfy you! I have beaten Dead Space 2 several times.
  5. Yea somehow killcams made it into the final game. I do not see how.
  6. Guys cmon the similarities are staring at you right in the face....
  7. I see the picture you are painting and I agree with the donation part. But 343i has so much on their plate do you really think sexism is something they should be concerned about atm? And the thing is there are measures for people to not listen to haters. Why do people sit there and listen to someone talk trash? They have two options A ) Talk trash back (pointless as we all know) B ) Mute and be done with it People are not defenseless when it comes to being bothered online. And the fact is people will abuse this lifetime ban to get at people they dont like.
  8. Burnout Revenge. Nothing like smashing other cars off the road.
  9. I would say FC3 but you should give Madden a shot. Its fun to pick up after taking a break from it. Other than that there is also Dead Space(if you havent already played it) !
  10. I find grenades to be the same as before maybe even weaker.
  11. When you are invisible the radar is jammed. You know when all those white dots appear. It gives good indication as to the are where the invisible enemy is hiding. Its pretty easy to spot someone invisible anyways when you look in the right direction.
  12. Elephant and Falcon. Above all though make the vehicles stronger.
  13. Yea as the Doc said it would be logical but would not fit into the way thngs are set up. You would also have add on weight to when you carry the weapon then (The heavier the slower you are) .
  14. They will build up the hype as much as they can. I hope they can deliver.
  15. Along with homophobia and many other things. If they are are going to speak out against sexism they should speak out against everything not just one thing. It makes it seem as if sexism is more important than other issues. And a life time ban is harsh the worse it gets is random people screaming into their mics. Anyone can file a complaint and mute.
  16. I would be down for this! Great idea man.
  17. I think 3-5 sums it up. People would like the option of a no radar playlist, specializations that are open to everybody and SMALLER MAPS. Bolt Shot is debatable the range is not that big. The reason I see people having issue with instant respawn is they cant spawn kill as easy anymore simple as that.
  18. I dont see why they chose to pick out sexism among the other other issues. Theres a button called mute. A lifetime ban is quite extrem.
  19. Campaign is fine, Zombies is good, Multiplayer is meh. 8/10
  20. I was always led to believe the hitboxes were off on Elites at least in H3. Theres a lot of people that like them and personally I fall under the category of I do not care if they are in or not. I liked messing around as an Elite every once in a while.
  21. The DMR wont do much!? Three people with DMR's can spell the end for a Ghost's and Warthogs (that includes Gauss) . Vehicles are a lot weaker in Halo 4. You dont need a power weapon to take down most vehicles in this game.
  22. Around 25k and its been 3..maybe 4 years of live. If you really think about it anyone can get high GS if they only decided to do more achievements.
  23. I used to do push ups inbetween matches. Something is better than nothing .
  24. Well played. As Baez already said it was a game with skill, luck and the right conditions. I mean he took initiative in taking the laser himself and killing all their vehicles. I bet he would have died before his team had blown them up. He used all the weapons at his disposal and controlled the middle of the map. Good work.
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