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Yoshi1176 last won the day on August 26 2023

Yoshi1176 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Location
    San Francisco
  • Interests
    Track and Field
    Halo, Halo lore, related content etc.
    Anything else that is a video game, (not destiny)
    Annoying Edward Kenway in every way imaginable.

    The forums of course since this is my home!

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Yoshi1176's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)




Community Answers

  1. I am selling belts on this site

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      (Flagged as a spambot) :PP 

  2. I think we should invest in the pepper spray game 

  3. I am of legal age to consume alcohol now. That puts sikslik at like 85

  4. The old forums are gone, but hey at least y'all still have me :)


  5. Drizzy is a corn flake

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sikslik7


      I can change that

    3. Yoshi1176


      Because of the Infinite play dates that are coming

    4. Fishy


      You should do a Total War Rome playdate, Yoshi

  6. Drizzy is a Gibraltar main

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Bigger question who is your alt???? Mine is Wraith

    3. Yoshi1176


      I feel like vitamin is a lifeline

    4. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      nah wraith all day every day

  7. Take me back to the good old days... the days of the Linda Olympics, Breakout League, and Dralo.

    1. Fishy


      Don't forget HTA's big plans for 2019 :)

    2. Yoshi1176
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      I wish I could enjoy playing as much as I did during these times ;(

  8. Hey guys! After a few days of looking for where I left it, here is Site Poll 102! A quick recap of site poll 101, which was asking your opinion on what armor you want our boy the Master Chief to be rocking in Halo Infinite. It seems the mix of old and new is exactly the look you guys have been looking for. That being said, we should have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming Halo title. ​This weeks poll address not the game itself, but how we will be playing it. The last year or so there has been a lot of buzz about whether or not Halo will ever really come to PC. There is word of a new console that may be announced this year, and a possible launch for 2020. That puts Infinite as a prime contender for a launch title. Will PC get Halo? Will Xbox One be left in the dust? What devices will Halo Infinite be on? Additionally, you can give us your answer on our Twitter page! Twitter: 343iCommunity I look forward to your responses! Love, Yoshi
  9. Hey everyone, it's Yashi here bringing you Site Poll 101! Before we get to the poll, I would to thank UNSC Spartan-II, for doing such an amazing job creating these polls, and making them such a hit. I have been appointed to carry on the legacy for the time being, and I will try to not disappoint. Last poll, the question was asked, what do you like most about the forums? We received many answers, but unlike most polls these answers were largely the same. It seems that the community that has grown here, the people, relationships, and memories made between all of us is what keeps everyone around, and in love with this place. Recently there has been some more news on Infinite. One of the things we got to see was a possible design change to the Master Chief's armor once again. While 343 has said this is not the final product, it is likely this will be close to what we see in Infinite on our hero. Everyone has there favorite Chief look, and we saw a drastic change to our hero between Halo 3 and Halo 4, and a slight change in Halo 5. It appears however, that Infinite is going back to Halo's roots and taking inspiration for Chief's armor from earlier games. Which version of Chief's armor do you want to see? Halo 4 and 5's newer, bigger armor, or Chief's classic nostalgia scented armor? Let us know below! As always the poll is also available on Twitter Twitter: 343iCommunity Love, Yoshi
  10. Merry Christmas to me I guess, shoot me a random if you can!
  11. The forum has and always will have a special place in my heart. I still log on everyday and see whats up and try to post. That being said, I can't say that I particularly love were it it is right now. Lets go back to early 2012 when I joined. I'd say that 99% of the regular members that would be in the shout box and on xbox everyday are no longer here. The shoutbox was something that was constantly going and messages would be gone in moments because of how many new messages were being sent. Long running jokes, rivalries, friendships and the like were rampant. PM boxes would have 5 or more messages in them every time you logged in, and notifications wouldn't be one or two, it'd be in the 50's some nights. The forum has definitely slowed and I am willing to bet that the best days of the forums are behind us. That being said, it isn't time to jump ship, it isn't time to give up because I still, and I assume many of you since you are here, get some level of enjoyment out of it and the people that are here. This place has made an impact on so many people. Go look at the profiles of older members that haven't posted or been seen in years. Many of them have logged on within a few months or a year. Sure they don't post but they come and check in because of the impact it has had on them. Who knows, maybe when the new halo launches we will get some more activity and with an effort we can make this place pop again. Regardless of the state of the forum, and how many members are here as long as we continue to enjoy it thats all that matters. Love you all
  12. I've been playing a lot of Red Dead Redemption 2 lately. Ooooh and Sea Of Thieves.
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