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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Yes it should make a return, dual wielding SMG's I miss it so much. Nothing better than running around blasting away at your enemies.
  2. The AI committed suicide again using a banshee. Wort wort.
  3. High ground was an amazing map, you could use it for a lot of gametypes. Also slayer was fun on that map especially when your running up the beach with your friends just trying to get to the gates.
  4. It's hard saying goodbye to a good friend on the forum. I will miss Silent, come back soon

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Yeah. I'll be on Steam... rare;y, but none the less, I will.


  5. Great interview Drizzy/Edward. I hope to see these return and happen on a more regular basis.
  6. Halo Need for Speed Mario kart Shrek 2 on the Gameboy XD Monkey Balls (Amazing game) The Driver2 All of the Jak games Spongebob the Movie game on Xbox GTA Assorted spiderman games.
  7. I stuck up for my good friend Edward, told those Machinima guys off.

  8. I liked the idea of personalizing your gun. It would be cool if you could make it match the color of your armor.
  9. I'm in the same boat as you guys, don't need it or want it. Just thought it looked cool.
  10. Brookstone is now offering a virtual keyboard. Compatible with IPhones, IPads, Androids and other devices using Bluetooth. The keyboard is a projection that tracks your fingers movements, letting you turn any flat surface into a keyboard. The device itself is smaller than an IPhone allowing easy transport. The projector comes with its own charging cable, the battery life is good and can type for two hours continuously on a full charge. You can order yours now at Brookstone.com for $99.99 the price was cut from $119.99 Source:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.brookstone.com%2Flaser-projection-virtual-keyboard&ei=uV4SU9IqzISiBIHsgbAG&usg=AFQjCNGMjIJ1lhaqrgDJBk6-_Yta27FedQ&sig2=AgzH_4wivPo1oRyZrlhFjw&bvm=bv.62286460,d.cGU Don't know if these things are new or not it's the first time I saw one so I thought i'd share.
  11. Congrats Spyro! Well desrved, enjoy your month in Pink.
  12. Well I hope you come back soon. Do what you think is best and know you have a place here. I hate to see you go.
  13. I'm obsessed with, 1. The Walking Dead 2. Defiance (i've watched the first season three times) more to come...
  14. I would like Halo 2 to come out first, gives us something to do and lets 343I make Halo 5 better. I am in no rush for Halo 5, let them take their time and produce a good game instead of rushing it. I am excited for both and hope they come out as good if not better then the previous titles.
  15. Hey now man's own kin...

  16. Hope you had a nice month in Pink Edward!

  17. A friend of mine did a map like this but nothing on this scale. Nice job! Everything looks amazing. Let's see more maps like this. The little mini games that people make up are one of the things that make Halo what it is. I also love WWII history
  18. The series still has at least 2 more games in it (not anniversary games). We can expect these next two with some anniversary's and maybe a second ODST or War's. Halo still has a few years in it, and even after they stop making them people will still play for a loooooooooooooong time. Halo 4 was a rough transition, new things so people complained. The game was actually pretty good though, Halo will be around for many years to come.
  19. Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you around. Maybe check out the events coming up.
  20. It wasn't you I was just trying to show that not all cops are like that. But thank you for understanding.
  21. I wish I could live in each time period for a week.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I wanna live in the future and see how its like. It'd be interesting to see how the Culture 100 years from now defines "Music".

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      What happens if you spawn during WWII as a Jew? Or if you die? (The two may be synonymous depending on your luck)

  22. Yoshi1176


    Hey Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here. Also we have quite a few female members so don't get discouraged from playing.
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