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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Update: Shadow team will be shut down unless someone wants to become leader. We haven't done much and I can't regardless if I wanted to. The details are in the PM have a nice day
  2. I will be in south lake Tahoe next weekend so I won't be active as much during that time.

  3. Actually I do watch TV on my Xbox and it made it a lot easier to use. Anyway I will not be picking that up. I already can use my T.V controller on it. I guess for people that don't like using the Kinect thats fine, but I actually enjoy talking to my Xbox XD.
  4. The multiplayer looks so fun. I am getting more and more convinced to get the game. I don't know how long I will play that though until I get bored it seems like something that would get stale after a while a playing it. Kind of like Call of duty after you prestige the first time.
  5. Welcome to the forums! I am sure you will continue loving this site. If there is anything you need just message me.
  6. I love Conan

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL





    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      I do too. But Jimmy Fallon is pretty funny guy as well. :P

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Conan reviewed Halo 4


      Conan was in Halo 4

  7. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here. You should try to stop by the Shout box we are friendly most of the time.
  8. I am going to say yes he will return. He is in the new Halo comics as a main character, he is working with the UNSC to help the Brutes and are fighting the Storm covenant with the brutes and the UNSC together. Brutes are probably just helping so they don't die though. After all that action I don't think he will be gone forever.
  9. Its pretty fun being able to teach your parents things that they don't know and see them act all amazed.

  10. I was trying to think of a cool Gamer tag... But I ended up with mine XD Anyway I used the first few letters of my last name Yoshida and the numbers in my address and there we go Yoshi1176.
  11. I love the way that thing looks. Destiny continues to buy my interest and make me more excited to play it. If only these things were in real life. I would never buy a car.
  12. Hahahah Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one! This was simply amazing to read, it really lifts your spirits when you realize there are decent people in the world.
  13. Heard that from my Health teacher XD I guess she was just trying to get us away from video games.
  14. One of my friends got 102 which was pretty impressive. I never downloaded it and now I can't so I will never know my high score. Can you believe someone would kill a friend over flappy bird?
  15. Heavies is a fun game mode. Mantises are good to have in heavies because heavies requires a lot of vehicles. I think the maps in Halo Reach were a little better to support Heavies. Halo 4 lacks a lot of open area. which isn't bad in most cases but for a game mode that requires a lot of vehicles it is not ideal.
  16. Welcome to the forum! It seems you have a great personality that will be fun getting to know. Can't say I agree that Metal music is good though.
  17. I remember when way way back when people used to play the PlayStation 2. Some of my best gaming memories were on that.... well until I discovered Halo.
  18. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay around here. I usually don't get to competitive when I play either, unless I am playing with someone.
  19. Wait... I thought we were at peace... If any of shadows members are giving you trouble tell me now. We have been working to end this I don't want it getting worse
  20. Will I make it doctor? How bad is it you gotta help me!
  21. Cold Stones for dessert!

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Your going to eat frozen rocks off the ground?... Ew.

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