Raid on Mafia 7
You are playing Warzone, and all of a sudden a flyer is seen on one of the marine's backs... It reads "It's time the Mafia take over once and for all" Some of you are with the Mafia, some will just fall victims to it. Stomp it out before it is to late.
Rules: You can screenshot, tamper with screenshots, make alliances, PM's etc. ABSOLUTELY no hate, no bribing or using forum power to win. (looking at you Church). Protown wins by killing all Mafia, Mafia wins by doing the opposite. Neutral can't win but can aid whatever side he/she chooses. Mafia will choose a victim during the night, then everyone votes for the killer the next round like normal.
If you are taken hostage, you must not betray your new mafia friends, if you do this will lead to disqualification.
1x Sarah Palmer: Can yell inspirational things like "we can still destroy the enemy core!" She will call out targets (detective) This will be used once a round. She votes like a normal spartan.
1x Legionnaire Guy: Can cause the enemy to go hysterical with laughter and miss his shot giving him 2 lives. His role is revealed after the first hit is dealt.
1x Scout Hog Driver: Can pick up a teammate and whisk them away from danger once a round. You may not save yourself (medic)
7x Spartans: Votes towards the suspects lists no other powers
1x Senor Hestro: Using his evade he can remain hidden as a Spartan even if investigated
1x Commander Captain Choke-a-gos: Can keep his fortress and place 2 votes (one secretly through PM to me. One time only)
1x Warden: Survives his first lynch because someone else stole the kill.
2x Hunter that falls of cliff: sorry no powers for you
1x Marine Commander: Can throw a live grenade into the crowd every two rounds to kill a person of their choice.
1x Bad Spawn engineer: Cant figure out how to not spawn people off of cliffs on Noctus. This ups his danger. Can vote twice every other round.
1. Ni Nihon
2. rrhuntington
3. Drizzy Dan
6.Fishy: Legionnaire guy dead, murder Round three
7. Frankenzer
8. Batman
9. Yangarang: Spartan, dead by marine round three
10.Tony Stark
11.Ruby Rose: Killed Round One Murder (Sarah Palmer)
12. Kakashi
13.Mopsy Flopsy: Protown: dead Round Two murder
14. Church
15.Bnus: Hestro: Dead Round Two lynch
16.Self Destruct: Dead: Lynched
17. Wam