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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I would love jump scares. But they need to be put into the campaign in a reasonable fashion. It needs to be practical. If that makes sense
  2. Agreed, if I could shake hands with you I would.
  3. Oh so now you have your illuminati friend to double team me?
  4. I was just correcting the spelling of a word
  5. I accused no one I simply exposed the truth you made the acusations also I don't know where you got that phrase in Serbian from because I said no such thing
  6. Why are you guys fighting! Without me

  7. Why would I need to divert attention away from me I am innocent.
  8. Some other canidates might be willing to join the fight against you guys *Runs to a phone calls Edward Kenway for help*
  9. I feel Vitamin PWN and BZ1 should be disqualified. let the honest hardworking members run!
  10. I hate Fire Fox but I have to use it for the site...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lilsilmarillion


      Firefox is da best man

    3. Yoshi1176


      Dont under estimate an army of Jar Jars


    4. lilsilmarillion


      lol... i dont use Explorer because its less secure

  11. Great post continue with these! I remember Drizzy doing these at one point.
  12. Spartan Ops because there was a real objective. Sure Firefight had generator defense but it is not the same as rescuing other soldiers or fighting your way through the Infinity. Firefight was okay for a little bit after a few sets it was very repetitive. I can see Spartan Ops going a lot farther than what firefight did. Also they story that it told was great.
  13. In Anakin Skywalkers last status update he simply put North. What does this have to do with anything? The chosen one must be Canadian, because the country known as the great white North is Canada
  14. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here. See ya in the shout box!
  15. Hmmmm... who has betrayed us? Edward! could it be? Also what does 221191856 mean? Nuclear launch codes? Twams phone number?
  16. We should get Jessie Ventura on the site lol. This is very interesting, possibly tying into the last conspiracy. Keep us updated
  17. Some sort of military jet just flew over my house... wonder whats going on

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilsilmarillion


      Well it only lasted like 30 seconds but I saw it at least 5x

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i'm in soutern california and i havent seen anything yet, granted i just woke up lol

    4. Yoshi1176


      Its part of the conspiracy!


  18. @Zaguroth Yes that's what I thought but I heard they were still going to make a show out of it. Probably in the same way they did Forward unto dawn.
  19. Will definitely be picking up Destiny and Halo 5, possibly Titan fall and Dying light. Just need to go pick up my Xbox One lol XD
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