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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Very nice i look forward to playing on this. (love the dead guy in the river lol)
  2. I play it sometimes. And the forum also does monthly playdates on halo 3.
  3. Imapct is my favorite because it gives you tons of room to do stuff,
  4. I was playing my dads xbox when i was a kid and then when the 360 came out i got one. I wasnt introduced to halo until halo 3 when my cousins showed me but ive been in love ever since.
  5. I agree with you one hundred pecrcent. You know Reach was a huge leap and everone hated it but now that halo 4 is out its magically a great game now because its something we are use to. I think this will be the same for the up coming halos but I honestly think that the people that complained about it are still playing halo 4. People just have to except change thats all but thats something that has escaped humanity forever so it will be hard. Great post by the way!
  6. Lol no I am doing weapons first then ill do all the other stuff although i have mastered some just by playing.
  7. Ha! you said pp. anyway That is strange when i play in the morning it also seems a bit more laggy and makes weird things happen. One time i was playing swat and it said i was splattered so I guess the servers need caffine in the morning or something.
  8. I would like one more big map to do something on. One that is like harvest but has more vehicles like scorpians a banshee and maybe a mantis. It would give it a diverse way to play ground combat in the structures and fighting in the vehicles as well.
  9. Yoshi1176

    RE: The SAW

    I liked the saw it makes sense that they have a gun like that made by now.
  10. I am pretty sure its just for effect because you can also see the civilian ship in landfall.
  11. You blew my mind. I would have never thought of it like that.
  12. Ill have to try to recover my user info lol but id love to try it out!
  13. How about a playlist that was identical to halo 2's multiplayer.
  14. Dear god no. Ok what about a movie about Sparkling vampires that fight for some chick while werewolfs fight for the same chick.
  15. Welcome to the community firellight! I hope to talk to you sometime see ya around.
  16. I honestly dont think it would have came out as big as it did if they did it later.
  17. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Yoshi1176's screenshots!

    A screen shot of my spartan.
  18. Yoshi1176


    From the album: haheha

  19. Yoshi1176


    From the album: haheha

  20. SWH definetly or maybe YWKA for Yoshi will kick A**
  21. Congrats Church! You look good in pink.
  22. If they make a movie they should let all members of our forum have a private screening.
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