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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I would let Halsey have it her way, withou her the human race would have gone extinct ( she was also luck about that to ). I liked the old UNSC better back with Keyes and he knew a little about the SPARTAN program.
  2. Very interesting. I will welcome new characters, just as long as the cheif is not completely blotted out by the new characters.
  3. While it would be cool it would be over powered though and they would require a huge forge map.
  4. That sounds pretty cool. But there are some flaws with that usually you dont turn around in game everytime something explodes so this may just give up your position. Second, for some playlists it may be prettty weird to have it like CTF because it ells them your coming you know?
  5. Sorry for the recent inactivity guys, the teachers have been giving alot more homework than normal.

    1. skummgummigubbe


      sometimes teachers are too generous

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      That's not fun, I just waste my breaks to finish it all.

  6. Sorry for the recent inactivity guys, the teachers have been giving alot more homework than normal.

  7. I'm going to have to try this, this is the reason i die in the warthog every time... unless i flip it by accident. I will I hope it works.
  8. When i try to explain why im laughing i laugh more... this happen to you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DBD DarkRedTigr
    3. PublicAlliance


      yes... it piss me off. Funny that about 10 secs before i read this that happend to me. XD

    4. Sadly Just AL
  9. When i try to explain why im laughing i laugh more... this happen to you?

  10. I may stop by if its cool with you guys.
  11. Mortar hog sounds fun, but not for actuall gameplay maybe for customs and that sort.
  12. I highley doubt they would remove it. It would be nice to see some more agressive assassanations. Also if once you started they couldnt glitch out.
  13. Weather editing would be awseome but before that i want to see my AI's in there! But it would be cool to play flood and have the map be raining.
  14. Yoshi1176

    My leg!

    From the album: Yoshi1176's screenshots!


    © Mine!

  15. Yoshi1176

    Going for a swim

    From the album: Yoshi1176's screenshots!

    No explanation needed
  16. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Yoshi1176's screenshots!

    Out of my way!
  17. I would by those but then again i have em! Nice find though.
  18. In my opinion it did not need to change but thats my opinion I use the Boltsht alot and i liked it before.
  19. Do it... you should dump a few viruses on to the thing to lol. But i dont know anything about tech stuff so dont take my advice.
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