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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. The helmet. It give them character.
  2. Yoshi1176


    Invasion was great it made you communicate.
  3. you deserve it doc! just make sure you say hi to all us still.
  4. That sounds cool kinda like starwars battle front.
  5. Welcome to the forums, Hope to see ya around!
  6. Welcome to the forums hope to see ya around
  7. Have a physical today plus shots... wish me luck

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Hope it doesn't hurt too bad. :)

  8. The pics look amazing! I usually dont get these games but im temtped.
  9. Watched a guy fall off his bike lol

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Ha ha. Nice. I did that a couple days ago.

  10. Its sad when people need to cheat to win, just shows how bad of a halo player he is lol.
  11. Yoshi1176


    Welcome! i hope to see you around
  12. The halo 3 needler was awseome.
  13. Jeez, thats a lot of detail. I have no patience to do that. Anyway nice map hopefully it'll be played in a playdate or something.
  14. Nice! this will be a lot more efficent I hope.
  15. Yeah i need to play this! to bad there's no hornet though.
  16. That would be great because it would give you different perspectives of the game, but it would take a while because right now the elites on requiem really hate the humans but if they shipped the ones on earth for reinforecements that would be interesting. It could be like a elite civil war.
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