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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Congrats! Keep it up guys this place needs it at the moment.
  2. Homeworks fun when your doing it on halo

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Really? What class is it for?


    2. Yoshi1176


      Language arts and literature.

  3. I liked it. Besides the Warthog I've always favored the UNSC air vehicles over the ground vehicles.
  4. I think a machete would feel weird in a halo game.
  5. I am a fan because I liked it and it was one of those games that if you meesed up you fail miserably so you had to be really careful and time your attacks.
  6. I think the second option would work. It would also even it out allowing for the third gun but no jetpack, camo, etc.
  7. I thought they were orbital not ordanance
  8. Mackenzie does the face of cortana and that stuff the voice of cortana was played by the original person i belive. Well thats what all the things i read said but the video says otherwise... hmmm
  9. While i do think they could have done better im happy with the game. They did an awseome job in my opinion there's some problems with it. When reach came out everyone said It sucked and it was horrible but now 4's out and reach is the best game on earth now halo 3 was like that to everyone was mad but the people like me that like halo and have common sense have stuck with it.
  10. I played it before they added all the fancy stuff then i didnt really care for it but it was fun alot better than the xbox version obviousley.
  11. Falcons ODST's umm MAC blast gun th elast ones not gunna happen but it would be awseome
  12. Welcome to the forums! I hope to see ya around!
  13. Battle damage would be cool maybe a fracture in the visor.
  14. Welcome to the forums hope to see ya around!
  15. I've never seen you in the shout box but ill always say hi.
  16. You have a master cheif one?
  17. nope i dont like trolls
  18. Halo I only play black ops for zombies once in a great while.
  19. There to heavy... they'll drown in the first few3 minutes when there oxegen runs out.
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