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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I like \the one when your carrying the flag that's the best one in my opinion.
  2. Keep it appropriate please. I think that that would be cool, I want a Hot Pink dmr that be awseome.
  3. It seemed stronger to me now but I dont know and if it is I dont mind because I'm pretty good with it.
  4. I dont think it would fit with the story, they already have the spartan LASER and even thats a little weird comapared to the bullets the UNSC uses. leave the lasers and plasma for the covies
  5. lol i've never seen this interesting
  6. Sorry to anyone that saw my avatar my little brother got on my xbox when i was gone.

  7. Welcome to the forums hope you like it here and I'll see you around
  8. Shoot them, but really I play BTB and SWAT i tend to rack up a lot of kills in those gametypes. SWAT obviusley has no sheilds and instint headshot wich helps. BTB has vehicals wich are a lot of help if your good with them and it also tends to have more power weapons.
  9. Hmmm i like it no matter what its a fun gamemode.
  10. This is possibly the worst thing I've seen today and i saw a lot of stuff today. Why the heck would they take out the mongoose thats like taking out the master cheif or the halo rings And thats your fault if you get killed by the mongoose that much.
  11. once upon a time chicken falling truth inside homer simpson fishing for buffaloes M.I.A squidward africa wizard OZ nuntucket ploped down in jupiter to change the holy light bulb from corruption from the sea pixies wildabeast twilight sucks burned down the fat lady sang the end.
  12. What exactly is the point here?
  13. Ummm if you can can you do both there Yoshi and Anthony
  14. Off to school! yay..

  15. I nominate GSD, He is fun to play Halo with even though i never win Hes really helpfull and really nice all around I send my vote to him.
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