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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Wait yes i do just type in there GT search it and the maps should pop up.
  2. Never happend to me so im no help but it is strange.
  3. Idont think she is dead. She probably survived somehow. or at least thats my guess.
  4. Weekend, why did you end so fast?

  5. guess thats why GSD destroyed you then... lol just kidding TCKR for Tucker
  6. Cant all fit on one disk i guess thats what i thought but i had no problem with it though.
  7. Ya ive been wanting this since reach came out with forge world.
  8. Welcome to the forums and see ya around.
  9. Welcome top the forum see ya around
  10. I am really excited about this. This could end out great or it could turn out to be a complete fail so well just have to see.
  11. Todays playdate is going great!

  12. This is like the 1000th one of these it getting pretty annoying, and i think there good.
  13. Wouldnt he be like 50 by now, he wasn't exactly young in ODST
  14. Just leave it alone if you like it play it. If you don't then don't play it simple.
  15. Probably with the new xbox but thats really close to halo 4 i think it would be better if it came out later give halo 4 some time.
  16. That would be awseome and like Baconshelf said a customizable one would be great.
  17. He said he wants me to be in it sorry... Just kidding
  18. In the 6,000 most of those in the halo games though.
  19. Ya i played both at a friends house and Dishonoerd was mor fun in my opinion and for the most part a really good game.
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