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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. 50 sounds good. its enough to get others noticed wich will help the community be a little nicer. Second dont pick any of those dirty blues...
  2. Dumb question but did you complete all the missions on co op or single player, because if you were switching back and forth it may not work.
  3. Wouldnt be suprised. he probably is. really excited if he is.
  4. On wreckage with a gravity hammer hit an enemy warthog that was fully loaded and it disappeared and i was ike what, i looked up and there hog was stuck in part of a ship.
  5. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Yoshi's things 2

    LOL i have no idea what this is i found it and laughed
  6. It is frustrating but I think its only a minor problem because it dosent happen alot.
  7. Sorry for my out bursts today... i dont know whats up with me today

  8. I think that the U.S should keep there noses out of everything, BUT what there doing takes courage and i honor them for that.
  9. That'll be good for shotgun slayer
  10. Kinda what i thought. but nice find its pretty interesting.
  11. I'm sure they will maybe one last time like up to 150 or 200 at most i dont think that it will go higher though.
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