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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Dude... theres like twelve of these
  2. ... i love it. Name: Yoshi ( old friends gave it to him ) Rank: Legend Age: 28 appearance: Dirty blonde hair 6ft 3 Thin build Muscular and has ice blue eyes and has a buzz cut Specialty: anything worked in all feilds Weapon of choice: Personalized energy sword he was given by the Arbiter Personality: Strong Determined and caring never leaves a man behind Background: Parents were killed on reach and he was rescued and taken to earth were he later became an ODST before moving on to work as a spartan besides the master cheif.
  3. That would be cool but i think it would be the new armor lock if they did that, it would definetly be fun though good for new gametypes.
  4. Hope you like it here, need anything just message me
  5. Glad to have a new member, hope yo like it here message me if you need any help.
  6. I love my new sig thanks Brony

  7. did you play the game beforwe the 20th of december they give you new armor and abilities and that sort of stuff
  8. Did you get the code sent by xbox? if not it may still come. Do you have the limited edition because that comes with all specs. If not I dont know what to say except hope for the best.
  9. I find it easy to play cod because there's no sheilds so its almost like an instint kill for everything if you know how to use it. Halo obiousley takes a little more skill.
  10. I think theres enough, maybe one were you had a satnace and chose your weapon of choice like some one said above.
  11. I think that would be pretty cool but i want my halo 2 remake first and maybe a halo 3 just to top it off.
  12. I have no advice for that but... i think you should go burn CoD
  13. No halo in the morning for me... couldnt do anything right.

  14. Nice this would help alot. Good find
  15. Hello i seem to be a little late... bye
  16. Why would come on here and say that just go complain while playing cod with all the other six year olds.
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