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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Never really talked to you except maybe a hello but I'm always sad to see a member leave, maybe you could come back welll miss you and youll defs miss us...
  2. Going to south lake tahoe towmorrow with some friends whooo!

  3. It indeed is a bad day, kids that havent even hit age 10 yet are playing more and more... But i sure will play and kick some butt!
  4. LOL i melee and then shoot workd for me.
  5. Christmas was good how about yours.

  6. Dose this look unsure? I love that episode of spongebob. Welcome to the foroums and i am also handsome.
  7. Mastered Battle rifle!

  8. What if 343 put in a game type that was for the people that are on the foroum here so to play on it you had to be a member. This way if you play youll have a higher chance of playing with someone you know. Ithink that would be cool what are your thoughts.
  9. Why do people do dumb thngs?

  10. That would be awseome But will there different "stations" we can listen to like different types of music?
  11. His eyes thats all i bet if you ever see the rest of him you wont expect to see what you saw.
  12. Welcome hope to see you around.
  13. Had a brain fart lol managed to get 6 kills instead of my normal 20's

  14. The game isnt as close as it used to be people arent running into each other like they used to. But the way it feels is the same.
  15. LOL i put in the wrong one if you can fix it it would be nice its Yoshi1176
  16. Class:Signature Format:Your choice Size:default Style:yourchoice Primary colors: You choose Image one:Crawler ready to pounce Image two:Pathfinder spartan with Br Image three:either nothing or your choice be creative! Background: Your choice/ something from halo 4 maybe complex writing: Yoshi1176 Font:your choice Extras: you choose if anything Postiotion: I want the spartan to be shooting at the crawler wich is about to pounce or better yet is in mid jump. Thank you thank you thank you.
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